Squillace on Species Diversity

Professor Mark Squillace, Director of the Natural Resources Law Center at the University of Colorado Law School, who authored the previous post reviewing the proposed Rule linked to our blog here, sent along this link to a specific post on species viability.

Here’s the introduction:

The much-anticipated draft Forest Service land use planning rules were published in the Federal Register earlier this month. My initial thoughts on the entire document are posted here.

This entry is a focused look at what the Forest Service has to say about managing the “diversity of plant and animal communities,” and how that needs to change.

Overall, this section (proposed 36 CFR §219.9) warrants some substantial rethinking and clarification. The general intent behind this section seems appropriate. Efforts to maintain the diversity of native species, contribute to the recovery of threatened and endangered species, conserve candidate species, and maintain populations of “species of conservation concern” are all laudable goals.

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