Circuit Breaker: How Solar Power Came to San Dimas


Char Miller send this link with the comment “Thought folks would enjoy this piece today about yesterday’s dedication of a new solar array that will be fully powering …”

Here’s a link and below is an excerpt.

In this case, however, there was an unsung hero operating outside the limelight. Every speaker yesterday mentioned that this dedicatory event would not have occurred without the persistence of Renee Jewell, the Forest Service’s Commercial Services Manager working out of its regional office in Vallejo, California. She may be located deep within a large bureaucracy but she’s no petty clerk.

Jewell is credited with identifying the policy conundrum that blocked the San Dimas and other federal projects, and applauded for persistently prodding the various constituencies — state and federal agencies, the Public Utilities Commission, and SoCal Edison — to figure out a solution.

Her tenacity evokes another narrative about the source of human progress: the power of an individual, like the sun’s energy, can light our way forward.

Kudos to Renee and any other unsung heroes and heroines involved in this project!

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