Periodically Posting People, Places and Things (or not)?

I don’t believe that I ever heard from anyone whether folks would like me to post “People, Places and Things” every week. It may be that all the people who want it already get it. Please comment below if you would like to Tsee it posted here. (You could also comment on items you find interesting)

Here’s a link to 1-11-2013

5 thoughts on “Periodically Posting People, Places and Things (or not)?”

  1. I already get it from three different sources, but I suspect others would benefit from you posting it. Suggest you do.

  2. Sadly, a comparison of PPT to the NPS’ employee communications portal again shows how ridiculously far behind the curve the Forest Service is when it comes to disseminating information. There really needs to be a much more concerted and organized effort to share our accomplishments with internal and external audiences.


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