“Seeking the Greatest Good” Documentary on PBS


Just received this from the retirees’ network, some of the dates have already passed…

is a link to the site where you can see a promo for it and type in your zip code to see if it has been scheduled.

Here are some listings..

New Hampshire Public Television: April 20, 8pm

Pittsburgh, PA WQED: April 21, 3pm

Alabama Public Television: April 21, 3pm

Washington, DC, WHUT 32: April 21, 5pm

Scranton, PA, WVIA: April 22, 7pm

Colorado Public Television 12: April 23, 7pm

Topeka, KS, KTWU: April 23, 10pm

San Bernadino, CA, KVCR 24.3: April 25, 11pm

Spokane, WA, KSPS: April 28, 1pm

Knoxville, TN, WETP 2.1: April 28, 3pm

University Park, PA, WPSU: April 28, 7pm

Dayton/Cincinnati, WPTO ThinkTV 16.1/16.5: May 28, 8pm

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