This short film on the Rim Fire and the need for active management is very well done:
<a href=”″>”The Fire Next Time”</a>
“In this 13-minute film, filmmakers Stephen Most and Kevin White examine how problematic policies, fuel build-up, and climate change have endangered America’s forests. When the Rim Fire burned 256,000 acres of the Stanislaus National Forest and Yosemite National Park in 2013, it exposed the impacts that high intensity wildfires are having on watersheds, wildlife, and carbon storage. It also forged a coalition of environmentalists, loggers, scientists, officials, and land managers who are responding to this megafire and recognize the need to forestall the next one. “The Fire Next Time” is a precursor to Filmmakers Collaborative’s feature-length work-in-progress, “MEGAFIRE at the Rim of the World.” For more information, visit”
To go along with that, there is this!
Meanwhile, over on the King Fire, plans are coming together for salvage, and the “usual suspects” are blasting these proposed actions:
1) Logging on 13,100 acres
2) Mastication (mechanical shredding of vegetation) and/or piling with heavy equipment on 120 acres
3) Tree planting and vegetation control (herbicides and manual hoeing) on 710 acres
4) Total tree planting on 13,940 acres
And, that is on 63,000 acres of National Forest lands within the burn. The serial litigators keep saying stuff like this: “Sadly, the Forest Service continues to ignore the majority science that finds that salvage logging has no value whatsoever either in helping to restore forests or preventing future fires.” Of course, those folks never talk about re-burns, soils damages and reforestation. They prefer “Whatever Happens”. They talk about the King Fire, burning through private plantations, ignoring the extreme fire behavior that happened when the fire hit the “protected” wildlife PACs, and went on a run that consumed tens of thousands of acres of precious old growth, in just one day!
Yes due to the Forest Services fear of being sued they do the very minimum when it comes to managing their forests after a fire.
Some like to think that the forest will soon grow back into another diverse and old growth forest. But without some management what will most likely happen to our forests is that vast areas will turn into brush patches. (not even taking into account the tremendous loss of resource)
In one day of these mega fires more timber is burned than a small sawmill, employing 20 or more people, could of harvested and created wood products from forever on a sustainable bases.
This lack of management and destruction of our forests which are being held hostage by the corporate environmentalists is the reason people are looking for alternatives to federal management. Though I personally believe and hope that instead of disbanding our federal lands that Congress would pass laws that would allow us to manage and protect our forests for all of us and our future generations.