Here’s a link to the agenda. Anyone who wants to give their impressions, please send a post to my email. It sounds interesting and right up our alley.
The Western Governors’ Association will host and livestream the inaugural Western Working Lands Forum on March 15-16. The forum will examine challenges of cross-boundary planning among state and federal agencies and tactics that span state, federal and private working lands.
Experts will discuss the definition and application of strategies as they relate to public policy-making for the management of landscape-scale invasive species, wildlife, and forest and rangeland.
Also at the forum: WGA will unveil a list of the Top 50 Invasive Species in the West. This first-of-its-kind regional assessment is designed to help land managers prioritize invasive species management actions and coordinate cross-boundary efforts.
WGA will be livestreaming the two-day workshop in Denver on YouTube and Facebook to enable the widest possible audience for this discussion. Please note that the following sessions are Mountain Time:
Thursday, March 15
Welcome and Introductory Remarks (1 p.m.): WGA Executive Director James D. Ogsbury and Andrus Center for Public Policy Executive Director John Freemuth will frame forum objectives and goals.
Cross-Boundary Conservation and the Endangered Species Act (1:45 p.m.): Regional experts will discuss strategies to expand species conservation efforts that cut across federal, state, and private lands.
Cross-Boundary Forest and Rangeland Management (2:30 p.m.): Panelists will discuss coordinated actions to support healthy forests and rangelands across ownership boundaries.
Cross-Boundary Invasive Species Management (3:30 p.m.): Scientists and land managers will examine techniques to prevent the migration of invasive species and how to coordinate mitigation efforts across management boundaries.
Implementing Cross-Boundary Planning: Practitioner Perspectives (4:15 p.m.): Panelists will discuss on-the-ground strategies they have employed to create effective cross-boundary strategies for land management challenges.
Friday, March 16
Balancing Multiple Policy Objectives with Cross-Boundary Management (8 a.m.): WGA Executive Director James D. Ogsbury will deliver opening remarks, followed by a panel that will examine the policy opportunities and challenges when planning cross-boundary projects.
Applications for Technology in Cross-Boundary Planning (9:15 a.m.): Panelists will discuss modern technologies that make it possible to plan and monitor land management actions at a landscape scale.
Progress and Considerations (10:30 a.m.): Panelists will reflect on lessons learned during the forum and discuss promising strategies for implementing effective cross-boundary projects.
Case Study – Cross-Boundary Cooperation: Successes and Challenges (11:30 a.m.): Representatives from the Greater Flagstaff Forest Partnership and the Upper South Platte Partnership will discuss how they created effective programs that address resource challenges across ownership boundaries.
I’m assuming you are looking for impressions after attending or viewing, but I’m not seeing how to find the livestream. It conflicts with the R1 NEPA confab any way. But here is my impression beforehand. They seem to be talking about project planning rather than strategic planning. I hope there is some discussion of the need for cross-boundary strategic planning as a prerequisite for project planning. No mention of wildlife habitat connectivity, which would be a prime component of that (and which the WGA has worked on in the past), or landscape conservation cooperatives (which were formed to facilitate this kind of effort, and have worked with WGA in the past).
I think that that wildlife corridors would likely turn up. I don’t know about LCC’s. Given the discussion of them previously here, that’s an interesting question. My assumption is that you would search on Youtube for it.
stream info here for Jon and others
Thanks, John! I had posted that link, but what I didn’t realize is that we had to click on the title of each presentation to bring up the Youtube. That helps a great deal. I also like that we can view one at a time and Joe Rassenfoss said that they would stay posted (be saved) not just live streamed?
Hi! Let me check on that. I would think so as they have done that before.
They are posted!