Green Fire- New Film on Aldo Leopold

Check out this new film..there’s a trailer here.

February 5: National Hispanic Cultural Center. Albuquerque, NM World Premiere! – NOW EXPANDED TO A SECOND THEATER!! Buy tickets now!

February 28: Pacific Film Archive Theatre, Berkeley, CA – More information

March 1: Al. Ringling Theatre, Baraboo, WI – More information

March 2: Milwaukee Public Museum, Milwaukee, WI -More information

March 3: UW-Fox Valley Communication Arts Center, Appleton, WI – More information

March 4: Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery, Madison, WI – More information

March 19: D.C. Environmental Film Festival, Washington, D.C. – More information

Additional premiere events planned for cities around the country including Washington DC, Chicago, San Francisco, Denver, Seattle, Boston, Minneapolis, New York, Atlanta, and more… Stay tuned for more dates!

Looks like Elk Country (outside of Denver and ABQ) needs to get on the list. I did get to preview an earlier version. I felt that, in that version, it did not acknowledge that many of the views of Leopold concerning the relationship of humans and the natural world were not “discovered” by him, but have been the beliefs of traditional earth religions from the dawn of time. Hopefully, the placement of his ideas within that context has been added to the film.

Conflict of interest statement: Dave Steinke, one of the directors of this film, works in the same FS office that I do. He has done many different films for a variety of purposes, and I admire greatly all the ones I’ve seen.

2 thoughts on “Green Fire- New Film on Aldo Leopold”

  1. The comparison of yesterday’s destructive land management activities with today’s much gentler policies isn’t fair in this movie. There also seems to be no mention of Leopold’s “Wise Use” conservation ideals, instead, painting him as a champion of preservationism. To me, Leopold and John Muir wanted the lands used, but not abused. The clearcutting and ecosystem damages were, certainly, foremost in their minds, and eventually, caused them to become “counterweights” against accelerated timbering, later in their lives.

    I wonder what they would think of Let-Burn fires, dead Wilderness, shuttered lumber mills and wasteful litigation. I feel the need to mention that clearcutting has been banned in California National Forests for 18 years now. Highgrading has also been banned for that same length of time. I’m sure that Leopold and Muir would be beaming upon hearing these facts.

    Yes, there IS a HUGE difference between conservationism, and preservationism. Too bad no one teaches it, anymore.


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