Managing Forests to Manage Wildfires: Podcast from Science Friday


Plant-covered land is red in the June 21 false-color image of the Wallow fire burn scar. Patches of unburned forest are bright red. Flecks of black indicate some burning. The charcoal-colored areas burned severely. NASA Earth Observatory image by Jesse Allen using data from the NASA/GSFC/METI/ERSDAC/JAROS, and U.S./Japan ASTER Science Team.

Thanks to Foto for forwarding the link to this podcast( on the Arizona fires, with Dr. Wally Covington and others. From Science Friday.

Managing Forests To Manage Wildfires

Plant-covered land is red in the June 21 false-color image of the Wallow fire burn scar. Patches of unburned forest are bright red. Flecks of black indicate some burning. The charcoal-colored areas burned severely. NASA Earth Observatory image by Jesse Allen using data from the NASA/GSFC/METI/ERSDAC/JAROS, and U.S./Japan ASTER Science Team.

Record breaking fires in the Southwest have burned thousands of acres, disrupting people and animals, and leaving muddy, flood-prone landscapes in their wake. In this remote broadcast from Flagstaff, Arizona, Ira Flatow and guests discuss fire ecology, and how new forest management strategies may help stifle the blazes.

William Wallace Covington
Regents’ Professor of Forest Ecology
Executive Director, The Ecological Restoration Institute
Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, Arizona

Mary Lata
Fire Ecologist
U.S. Forest Service / USDA
Flagstaff, Arizona

Paul Summerfelt
Firefighter, Type 1 Team Incident Commander
Wildland Fire Management Officer
City of Flagstaff
Flagstaff, Arizona

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