3 thoughts on “FS Improves Ranking in Best Places to Work”

  1. In 2009, this is what Chief Tidwell said about the Forest Service’s low ranking:

    “The Forest Service ranking for 2009 was 206 out of 216 agencies surveyed. That is much worse than in the past. Two years ago, for example, the Forest Service came in 143 out of 222. Our showing this year was also much worse than for similar agencies. For example, NRCS was ranked 61, BLM was ranked 150, and the National Park Service was ranked 160. So the results do seem significant. They signify areas of weakness that we need to tease out and address.”

    Not much has changed in this year’s survey. The Forest Service, at a rank of 194 (out of 241) is still last among natural resource agencies. FWS is top-ranked at #37, followed by NRCS (#52), BLM (#162), and the Park Service (#163).

    Top-level FS leadership (ranked 218 of 229 agencies) and strategic management (almost last at 224 of 229) continue to depress the agency’s employees.

    The more things change, the more they don’t.

  2. Thanks for the detailed information and context Andy. Seems as if the title and graphic to this post should be changed to reflect the reality of the survey.

  3. Andy- I especially appreciate this part of the letter..

    “I feel mightily relieved at the prospect of seeing some other fellow being accused of prejudice, ignorance, partiality, graft, ulterior motives, laziness, salary grabbing and other such innocent pastimes. ” You said it! Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.

    Matthew- the graphics department isn’t very sophisticated on this blog (me finding stuff on the web). I was enjoying the privilege of making vaguely misleading headlines- savoring a taste of the thrill of power experienced by the fourth estate ;).


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