Webinar Tomorrow on Conflict Management in Planning

Webinar tomorrow on conflict management in planning.
Here’s the link.
Don’t miss this upcoming Live Webinar sponsored by: USDA Forest Service .

Title: What do you do when people start throwing food at the table? A conflict management perspective

Session Details:
Nov 18, 2011 12:00 pm US/Eastern Duration: 01:00 (hh:mm) vCal iCal
*** Please join the session 15 minutes prior to the start of the webinar. ***

What will you learn?
The 2011 Changing Roles webinar series has a theme: Considering Natural Resources in Land-Use Decision Making Processes. Natural resource professionals often refer to “being at the table” in reference to their participation in multi-stakeholder processes such as land-use planning and therefore, this same language is used in the session titles of this series. Each session will address the theme from a different perspective. This is the final webinar in the four-session series. This session will address common challenges faced in multi-stakeholder group processes and is aimed at resource professionals who are already “at the table” and engaged in land-use planning processes. This webinar will present strategies for working through conflict to create solutions to complex and contentious land-use issues. learn more here…

Who should participate?
Foresters, Land Managers, Natural Resource Professionals, Planners

Steve Smutko, Spicer Chair of Collaborative Practice, University of Wyoming, Department of Agriculture and Applied Economics

There are many other interesting webinars and other information at this site. I liked this one about Carbon and Forest Products.

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