The Whole Op-Ed on Bitterroot Sales

On the op-ed… this is definitely a mea culpa on my part. I didn’t cross check Matthew’s emailed version with the original and didn’t pay close attention to the fact that Matthew had snipped. So I did find this version just now here on the forest website.

Guest Opinion by Forest Supervisor Julie King

Release Date: Dec 15, 2011

Hamilton, Montana – A fair and adequate amount of accurate information is central to a healthy discussion and reasonable decision-making process. In the Forest Service we practice this as a matter of direction under the National Environmental Policy Act when it comes to public involvement and interaction on our land management decisions. I believe it is imperative that communication lines remain open and we work together to find solutions and ways to survive the current economy and poor market conditions of our timber industry.

So it is unfortunate for us all that incomplete information in a recent article in local newspapers claimed that the Bitterroot National Forest, unlike other national forests, was not selling timber. The article went on to suggest that if national forests would sell more timber, local jobs would return, shuttered mills would re-open, and the boom days of the Bitterroot Valley would be back. While I certainly wish all our challenges were this easy to solve, I feel compelled to share some facts and information with you regarding timber sales on the Bitterroot National Forest.

First and foremost, the Forest is continuing to sell timber. In 2011, 9.6 million board feet were harvested on the Forest. Trees were cut on more than 2,000 acres sending an estimated 1,933 truckloads of logs to Montana sawmills. The Bitterroot’s largest timber project, Trapper Bunkhouse (2,700 acres) continues on the Darby Ranger District. There were eight timber projects under contract on our Forest this year.

The Bitterroot currently ranks number three among the nine national forests in Montana in total saw log volume. This despite the fact that we have less acreage available for timber as half of our Forest is dedicated to the largest expanse of continuous wilderness in the lower 48 states. Perhaps most importantly, all of our current timber projects accomplish needed reductions in hazardous fuels, address wildlife habitat needs and forest health issues. While the timber industry is a valued partner in land stewardship, our timber sales are not offered simply because a buyer desires a certain product like house logs. All timber projects must meet multiple land management objectives outlined in the Forest Plan.

Some of you may be wondering why timber is not being sold as it was in previous decades when the Bitterroot routinely produced 20 million board feet or more. One of the main reasons is that no one is buying the wood. For example, the Bitterroot National Forest recently offered two different timber sales on land that is easy to access near paved roads, and neither sale received any offers. That’s right, not one buyer or company was interested in 250 acres of timber near Lake Como or in 40 acres of already cut and stacked logs in the Sapphire Mountains. These were not isolated incidents. In 2011, the Forest brought four timber sales to the public that did not receive one bid from an interested buyer. Why is this happening? Much like the housing crisis, the answers can be found in the market.

Many of the problems occurring in the timber market today are not due to a lack of supply, but rather a lack of demand. Logs that were selling for $80 a ton during the housing boom, are worth less than $45 a ton today. This loss of demand has had a significant local impact on acres harvested. Dramatically lower timber prices have also changed the way we do business including how we prepare our contracts. In today’s market of fewer and smaller logging operations, we have tailored our contracts to be much smaller in response to feedback from potential purchasers. Poor market conditions have also forced us to use scarce taxpayer dollars to pay to remove timber to meet our Forest fuel reduction goals in areas adjacent to private property.

Here in the Bitterroot, the problem is compounded even more with the recent closure of many sawmills, including Smurfit-Stone Container Corp. in Frenchtown. Saw logs must now be hauled to the closest operational mills in Seeley Lake or St. Regis, more than doubling hauling distances and costs. Rising fuel prices have added yet another obstacle when you consider that some timber projects on our Forest are now located more than 150 miles from the nearest mill. It all adds up to the “perfect storm” and it is going to take all of us working together to find answers and solutions moving forward.

Despite all these challenges, I am still optimistic about the future of forest products and there are some promising signs that the market may be improving. The opening of a new chip processing facility in Bonner provides hope that demand for small diameter materials may be improving. Until then, we need to continue building partnerships and collaborating on projects that can keep people working in our woods. That is exactly what the Bitterroot National Forest is focusing on. This year, we completed a 250 acre, first-of-its-kind ponderosa pine plantation thinning project on the Sula Ranger District on terraced landscapes. The Swift Creek project was a partnership with the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. Using research, the Forest was able to develop new equipment to reduce compaction on the terraces and thin overstocked trees enhancing soil conditions. In addition to improving habitat for elk and deer forage, the project also employed local contractor Dirk Krueger and provided local jobs. The University of Montana has established research plots to monitor soil health on the terraced lands.

The Forest also applied for and received more than $2 million in Recovery Act funds to complete the Middle East Fork Hazardous Fuel Reduction Project in 2011. Among 43 different projects supported by Recovery Act funds, the Middle East Fork project treated more than 10,000 acres in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) protecting homeowners while also providing more than 30 local jobs. The project, which began in 2005, supported four local logging companies and salvaged approximately 16.3 million board feet of timber for use in Montana sawmills and log home manufacturing. The $2.1 million contract was awarded to a Bitterroot company – R & R Conner Aviation Logging.

Recently, we announced two additional timber projects that will treat approximately 500 acres at the Lost Trail Powder Mountain Ski Area while also providing for skier safety, protecting ski area infrastructure, and improving the health and resiliency of the Forest. The thinning project near chair #4 alone is an investment of $100,000 in taxpayer dollars to protect this high value recreation area. It’s part of a $3 million project the Forest will undertake in 2012-13 to remove and salvage trees killed by the Mountain Pine Beetle epidemic. These projects will employ more local people and will lead to more opportunities and jobs for companies here in the Valley. The Grasser Family, which has operated the ski area since 1967 under a special Forest Service permit, has been a partner in this project.

In 2012, the Bitterroot National Forest is planning additional timber sales in the Larry Creek and Ambrose Saddle Areas on the Stevensville Ranger District and the Lower West Fork, among others. These three sales alone, which all meet land management and stewardship objectives, are estimated at 14.6 million board feet. The big question is – will anyone be interested in buying the wood?

We live in very challenging times, and if we spend energy opposing and not communicating on these issues it will only contribute to our demise. I am open to hearing ideas or being part of meetings or forums where timber industry and supply are discussed. I am also available to meet with groups or individuals to discuss this or any other issues concerning the National Forest. Please contact me at (406) 363-7100.

Forest Supervisor Julie King has worked on the Bitterroot National Forest since 2008.

3 thoughts on “The Whole Op-Ed on Bitterroot Sales”

  1. Once again, I must point out something for the record here. Below is the exact email as I sent to both Sharon and Martin, managers of this blog. As anyone can clearly see below, I sent the managers of this blog the ENTIRE guest column from Supervisor King as it APPEARED in the Missoulian. I even provided the exact Missoulian website LINK to the column so that the blog managers could verify it. Therefore, I’d like to point out that Sharon’s statement, “I didn’t cross check Matthew’s emailed version with the original and didn’t pay close attention to the fact that Matthew had snipped” isn’t accurate.

    The fact is that I didn’t cut or edit Supervisor King’s guest column as some seem to be claiming. I sent the entire Missoulian guest column and provided a highlighted pull quote (“snip”) directly from the Missoulian guest column.

    Apparently, Supervisor King wrote a longer version of this guest column and Sharon found that longer version on the Bitterroot National Forest’s website. I thank Sharon for finding a longer version of the guest column than the one run in the Missoulian because I, and many others who don’t visit the Bitterroot National Forest website regularly, didn’t even know a longer version existed. However, to somehow claim or infer that I snipped out parts of the guest column or provided Sharon with an abridged version is false. Again, I sent Sharon the entire guest column as it appeared in the Missoulian. Thank you.

    ——– Original Message ——–
    Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2011 11:09:50 -0600
    From: Matthew Koehler
    To: Terra Veritas , [email protected]

    The following guest column was written by the USFS Supervisor of the Bitterroot National Forest. While the Tester mandated logging bill collaborators falsely give the public the impression that politicians stepping in to mandate more industrial logging of national forests is the key to economic development, the supervisor of the Bitterroot National Forest offers her perspective based on economic reality.


    “Some of you may be wondering why timber is not being sold as it was in previous decades when the Bitterroot routinely produced 20 million board feet or more. One of the main reasons is that no one is buying the wood. For example, the Bitterroot National Forest recently offered two different timber sales on land that is easy to access near paved roads, and neither sale received any offers. These were not isolated incidents. In 2011, the forest brought four timber sales to the public that did not receive one bid from an interested buyer. Why is this happening? Much like the housing crisis, the answers can be found in the market. Many of the problems occurring in the timber market today are not due to a lack of supply, but rather a lack of demand. Logs that were selling for $80 a ton during the housing boom, are worth less than $45 a ton today. This loss of demand has had a significant local impact on acres harvested. Poor market conditions have also forced us to use scarce taxpayer dollars to pay to remove timber to meet our forest fuel reduction goals in areas adjacent to private property.”

    Timber harvests just one piece of forest management
    Guest column by JULIE KING | Posted: Friday, December 16, 2011

    HAMILTON – A fair and adequate amount of accurate information is central to a healthy discussion and reasonable decision-making process. In the U.S. Forest Service, we practice this as a matter of direction under the National Environmental Policy Act when it comes to public involvement and interaction on our land management decisions. I believe it is imperative that communication lines remain open and we work together to find solutions and ways to survive the current economy and poor market conditions of our timber industry.

    So it is unfortunate for us all that incomplete information in a recent article in local newspapers claimed that the Bitterroot National Forest, unlike other national forests, was not selling timber. The article went on to suggest that if national forests would sell more timber, local jobs would return, shuttered mills would re-open, and the boom days of the Bitterroot Valley would be back. While I certainly wish all our challenges were this easy to solve, I feel compelled to share some facts and information with you regarding timber sales on the Bitterroot National Forest.

    First and foremost, the Bitterroot National Forest is continuing to sell timber. In 2011, 9.6 million board feet were harvested on the Bitterroot National Forest. Trees were cut on more than 2,000 acres, sending an estimated 1,933 truckloads of logs to Montana sawmills. The Bitterroot’s largest timber project, Trapper Bunkhouse (2,700 acres) continues on the Darby Ranger District and is our largest stewardship project in 10 years. There were eight timber projects under contract on our forest this year.

    The Bitterroot currently ranks number three among the nine national forests in Montana in total saw log volume. This despite the fact that we have less acreage available for timber as half of our forest is dedicated to the largest expanse of continuous wilderness in the lower 48 states. Perhaps most importantly, all of our current timber projects accomplish needed reductions in hazardous fuels, address wildlife habitat needs and forest health issues. While the timber industry is a valued partner in land stewardship, our timber sales are not offered simply because a buyer desires a certain product like house logs. All timber projects must meet multiple land management objectives outlined in the forest plan.

    Some of you may be wondering why timber is not being sold as it was in previous decades when the Bitterroot routinely produced 20 million board feet or more. One of the main reasons is that no one is buying the wood. For example, the Bitterroot National Forest recently offered two different timber sales on land that is easy to access near paved roads, and neither sale received any offers. These were not isolated incidents. In 2011, the forest brought four timber sales to the public that did not receive one bid from an interested buyer. Why is this happening? Much like the housing crisis, the answers can be found in the market.

    Many of the problems occurring in the timber market today are not due to a lack of supply, but rather a lack of demand. Logs that were selling for $80 a ton during the housing boom, are worth less than $45 a ton today. This loss of demand has had a significant local impact on acres harvested. Poor market conditions have also forced us to use scarce taxpayer dollars to pay to remove timber to meet our forest fuel reduction goals in areas adjacent to private property.

    Here in the Bitterroot, the problem is compounded even more with the recent closure of many sawmills. Logs must now be hauled to the closest operational mills in Seeley Lake or St. Regis, more than doubling hauling distances and costs. Rising fuel prices have added yet another obstacle when you consider that some timber projects on our forest are now located more than 150 miles from the nearest mill. It all adds up to the “perfect storm” and it is going to take all of us working together to find answers and solutions moving forward.

    We live in very challenging times, and if we spend energy opposing and not communicating on these issues it will only contribute to our demise. I am open to hearing your ideas or any other issues concerning the national forest. Please contact me at (406) 363-7100.

    Julie King is Forest Supervisor for the Bitterroot National Forest.

  2. Matthew is right, and instead of going back to his email, I simply looked up the op-ed on the web and the first one I found was on the forest website, again, not realizing that that wasn’t the same as the Missoulian. I think if it hadn’t been for this exchange, and my trying to find the fastest way to find the piece, we would have ever seen the original version. Serendipity? A Winter Solstice gift from the Universe?

  3. I would almost guarentee that these sales would sell if there were changes to the Forest Service’s sale setup, layout and contracting processes. The market’s there…the Forest Service is just missing the mark.

    Wood is surely coming out the the Bitteroot.


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