Yet another “controlled” burn escapes!

Sadly, it appears that fire folks can’t be trusted to safely accomplish prescribed fires. Their overconfidence has again resulted in destroyed homes and damages to private property. This area is well known for its terrain-enhanced winds, known as the “Washoe Zephyr”. High winds had been forecast, as well, and it appears that fire crews didn’t make sure the fire was fully extinguished. Gusts of 35 mph are expected for today, and the fire is burning towards more difficult terrain. It always seems like firefighters are more concerned with “good burning conditions”, rather than public safety. Perish the thought that it might be too wet for “complete combustion”.

Are YOU ready to welcome a prescribed fire in your “neighborhood”?

Update: The TV news says that more structures are threatened.

7 thoughts on “Yet another “controlled” burn escapes!”

  1. Please don’t post something of this nature before doing even the briefest of searches to confirm your conclusions.

    It took about a nano-second to come up with this from the “Reno Gazette”:

    Investigators are looking into the cause of the blaze as a resident’s controlled burn from Sunday that rekindled, Halsey said. Investigators will ultimately turn over their findings to the Douglas County District Attorney, he said.

    “It would have to be shown that the resident didn’t exercise proper care in extinguishing the embers,” Halsey said.

  2. That information was presented on the TV news, at least a dozen times during their morning broadcast. Of course, there will be some resistance from firefighters about “revealing” such information. I’m sure the reporters asked the residents about what happened. The word is that the fire was not mopped up properly, in advance of the commonplace afternoon winds that blow through. When the news says “controlled burn”, I automatically think “prescribed fire”.

    • The latest info says it was an illegal burn. It doesn’t add anything to the discussion to fear-monger about prescribed fires. I can’t even find any records of any planned prescribed fires in that area.

      • Regardless of THIS incident, the record of escaped fires is unacceptable, and my criticism of firefighter bravado, ineptitude and overconfidence stands. In fact, they STILL want to expand the use of prescribed fires to all year long (Park Service already TRIES to use them during hot and dry weather), disregarding the failures, property damage, smoke impacts, public liability and tourist business losses. I’m not saying that they should end. I’m saying there is AMPLE room for improvement. It is highly doubtful that firefighters (outside of the South) can safely accomplish the massive amount of prescribed burning that would make a difference in the WUI. They consistently make the same mistakes over and over. The Feds’ fear of liability WILL result less and less prescribed fire accomplishments, here in the west.


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