U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Appeal Over Forest ‘Roadless Rule’

According to Businessweek:

The U.S. Supreme Court left intact a rule issued in the waning days of Bill Clinton’s presidency to protect 58.5 million acres of forest lands, as the justices turned away arguments from states and industry groups.

The justices today refused to question a federal appeals court’s conclusion that the U.S. Forest Service was within its authority when it issued the so-called Roadless Rule in January 2001, eight days before Clinton left office.

1 thought on “U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Appeal Over Forest ‘Roadless Rule’”

  1. Whew! Now that’s over.I wonder whether some enterprising group will start another suit saying that the NEPA is stale…if it takes 11 years to settle litigation, it seems like that will always be the case..


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