The Esperanza Fire: Interview with John Maclean


The Forestry Source is one of my favorite publications, and Steve Wilent I thought did an excellent job on the interview with John Maclean on his new book on the Esperanza Fire. Now, fire suppression isn’t my favorite topic, but even I was intrigued enough to want to read the book after reading the interview.And

Here’s a link to the book.

Here’s a link to the Forestry Source. Steve and the Society of American Foresters were kind enough to let us link to the whole edition; some of those that interested me were the interview with Maclean, an article on the EPA/roads/Supreme Court issue, a piece on carbon offsets and the California emissions trading program and a piece by Jim Coufal on his views on whither foresters and forestry.

If you would like to discuss any of the other pieces in the source, send me your thoughts and I’ll make it a separate post so we don’t get them all on this comment thread ([email protected]).

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