A Day at the Local Logging Museum Part 1


I have lived in the same location, here in the central Sierra Nevada, and I haven’t been to this very local recreation spot. White Pines Lake has a logging museum, with plenty of stuff to see and ponder. For example, did this trailer have bunks, to hold the logs on the trailer?


They have some saws not all that old.


And others that are impressively powerful. Imagine the guy who hauls this beast with him all day long.


Here is how big logs were skid in the past. Yes, it was important to keep the leading edge of the log elevated, to reduce skidding damages.


6 thoughts on “A Day at the Local Logging Museum Part 1”

  1. When you are loading such a trailer you put a large “bunk” log against the short yellow chocks that are just visible in the picture. You then filed in the space between the bunk logs. During the ’50s and ’60s average log sizes on timber sales were often 24 – 30 inches so there were plenty of bunk logs.


    Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 03:22:24 +0000 To: [email protected]

    • Thanks, George. I always marvel at how well a loader operator makes use of trailer space, using up as many small logs as possible. Reminds me of a logging boss who would jump on the loader, use up all the long logs, then make the regular guy get back on and deal with it. On an Oregon salvage project, I counted 212 logs loaded on one truck. The minimum log size was a 7 inch dbh, 5 inch top and 8 feet long (plus trim). I’ve definitely seen some extremes in log sizes.


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