“Good idea,” but not yet . . .

On February 12, I asked the Forest Service to make the NFMA rule FACA committee meetings accessible to the on-line public. It didn’t happen for the 2/20 meeting.

With the next meeting scheduled for 5/7, I reiterated the request on 5/1. Once again, no go for the May meeting.

However, despair not policy wonks, the FACA DFO (that’s “designated federal official”) says that the FS isn’t opposed to the idea. He says that by the time of the June meeting, which hasn’t yet been scheduled on the committee’s calendar, the FS hopes to have some kind of real-time electronic access for the public.

In the meantime, if you just can’t get enough after having read the proposed directives, you can see what the committee has been perusing here.

1 thought on ““Good idea,” but not yet . . .”

  1. I also heard that they wanted to talk to the Committee about it before they did it. Hopefully, the Committee won’t have a problem. Might be time to lobby your favorite committee member(s) before next week.


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