Pure Water and Clean Air

Before the summer wildfires come, we should take a moment to cherish the unspoiled landscapes that we still have, and the clean water that comes from them. Springtime in the Yosemite high country is magical, as well as being extremely buggy. I had seen this cascade over the years, and always wanted to get up close to it.


Tenaya Canyon is a dangerous place, with plenty of glacier-polished granite. Yes, many people have died, trying to navigate the canyon. This particular cascade has no historical name, amazingly enough. A waterfall interest group wants to name it Olmstead Cascade, due to its relative proximity to the mandatory tourist stop called Olmstead Point.


There is a warning sign at the top of this cascade, warning people that they need climbing gear, or face possible death. This area is relatively easy to get into but, not many visitors have the “woods sense” to safely navigate the Yosemite “Trail-less Areas”. I wonder how much it would take to punch a trail, similar to the Mist Trail, from Yosemite Valley to Tenaya Lake. There is significant rockfall in Tenaya Canyon, and they had a major one a few years ago, just east of Mirror Lake.



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