Floods and Mitigation from Waldo Canyon



While I was clicking on the photos for Andy’s post below, I ran across this video of the floods in Manitou Springs following the Waldo Canyon fire.

The Forest Service, state and county and NGO collaborators are all working very hard to mitigate this.. here are some photos from a recent SAF field trip of their mitigation efforts. I was really impressed how everyone is working together and especially how the water people are stepping up financially.

The good news is that I can post these photos legally, as I took them. The bad news is that I am not a very good photographer. Maybe we can crowdfund Larry to make a trip out here?

Tree-lovers: those dark green patches are scrub oak coming back.

2 thoughts on “Floods and Mitigation from Waldo Canyon”

  1. I’ve seen MANY examples of post-fire flooding and erosion in my career, specializing in salvage projects. I have seen it at the San Bernardino, the Eldorado, the Tahoe, the Boise, the Fremont-Winema, the Rogue-Siskiyou, the Plumas NF’s, etc. I have plenty of time on my hands, right now, and would be willing to work hard to document such events. I wouldn’t charge much for my time but, lodging (inexpensive motels), meals (on the cheap) and transportation (driving) would need to be paid for. I have a 10 megapixel Olympus camera with two lenses, and I always shoot in the highest resolution. I can supply web-ready pictures daily, and can make stops along the way for “windows of opportunity”.

    Interesting idea, Sharon!


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