Air Tanker Video

I’m away from home now but, I just had to post this VERY interesting video of a military plane making a retardant drop on the Rim Fire. I think the radio conversation is with the lead plane. What an exciting job!!

There are also several other videos of this plane on You Tube.

On a side note, I was still able to see the column over 100 miles away, from the city of Pleasanton, on Interstate 680. The smoke at my house this morning was so thick there was only 1/4 mile visibility, and the fire is about 40 miles away. The old burn perimeters haven’t even slowed down the fire, re-burning in at least 4 older burns. It’s looking REAL bad, with just 2% containment of a 105,000 acre fire.

Rim Fire

4 thoughts on “Air Tanker Video”

  1. IMPRESSIVE on all counts. All hats off to the skills of all involved. Didn’t recognize half dome or anything but I got the impression that the valley is safe if they can keep it from coming over the ridge.

    • The fire won’t reach Yosemite Valley, and there is even another large burned area in between, in the form of the botched Meadow Fire of a few years ago, which was also a re-burn. The Wild and Scenic Tuolumne River will probably be severely-impacted, and the area provides drinking water for millions, as well as for agriculture. However, the river canyon, itself, offers no opportunities for much “management”, due to its extreme terrain and remote access. This fire is, truly, the stark reality of “letting nature take its course”. I’m fully expecting public outcry and political rumbling to do “something” about future disasters, like this one.


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