The Scoop on Subscribing To This Blog

You’ll notice that there are 300 subscribers moved over, which were more subscribers than we had before. Right now I’m chalking that up to “strange things that happen.”

Here’s what the WordPress folks said about subscribing/following:

If you had email subscribers at your old site, they will continue to receive email notifications of your new posts, so there’s no change there.

However, for followers of your site, they will only see new post notifications in the Reader, unless they subscribe to receive email updates on your new site.

For additional information on how visitors can interact with content through, please see the following support documents:

Following Blogs

I think the bottom line is that if you want to receive emails and are not, you need to use the email subscription widget on the new blog site (in the right hand column).

If you that doesn’t work, let me know.

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