Feds- We’re With You- Great Photos by Bob Berwyn

Photo by Bob Berwyn
Photo by Bob Berwyn

This has been a glum week for all my Federal friends, as well as the rest of us who depend on Congress to do their own work. Here in Colorado, it was also the first snow of the season. Bob Berwyn has had two posts this week of amazing photos. A gift to all us.. posted here in honor of Federal employees.

Here are some great photos he posted today.

And here are some equally great ones, from earlier this week.

And thanks to Bob for sharing these on his blog.

3 thoughts on “Feds- We’re With You- Great Photos by Bob Berwyn”

  1. Bob: I agree with Sharon and Larry — great photos! Thanks!

    I’m assuming the earlier set weren’t all shot from your deck, though.


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