Forest Ranger Terminator


On March 1, 2013, Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell issued an anti-harassment memo to all FS employees:

I reiterate my strong commitment to maintaining a harassment-free and respectful workplace. Harassment or discrimination in any form will not be tolerated in the Forest Service.

His memo explains that Sexual harassment is behavior of a sexual nature that is unwelcome and offensive to the person or persons it is targeted toward. Examples of harassing behavior may include unwanted physical contact . . .

Today, Chief Tidwell made serial sexual harasser Arnold Schwarzenegger an “honorary forest ranger.”

Would someone just turn out the lights in the WO? That would be more climate saving than anything Herr Gröpenfuhrer has ever accomplished.

PS: Leo Kay is the Forest Service’s director of communications and the presumptive genius who came up with this foolishness. Here’s what Leo was before 2010:

Leo spent the previous three years as a political appointment to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Communications Director for the state’s landmark climate change program.

3 thoughts on “Forest Ranger Terminator”

  1. Andy

    Re: “Would someone just turn out the lights in the WO? That would be more climate saving than anything Herr Gröpenfuhrer has ever accomplished.”
    –> In addition, driving the decision making down a level would do more for sound forest management than has been done since 1990


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