Help Wanted with Checking Old Blog Posts

Somehow through various dealings with WordPress help (when I get frustrated trying to find web help, I play around with things myself), they told me for $18 I could redirect the old site to this site. This seemed like a good deal, so I did it.

Trying to get our “list of things to fix on the blog” together I decided to recheck on the broken links to photos and to links within the blog. I checked one from 2010, “Jack Ward Thomas on Tester’s Bill” and the photo was attached! (If you want to look at the post, you might get discouraged as how similar discussion topics were in 2010.)

Anyway, I don’t really want to check all the old posts if I can avoid it. If you all have certain favorites it would be helpful for me if you could check the old ones (before we moved the blog April 2013) and then we could see if it has fixed itself generally or only partially.

Blog contributors: this will be easy for you as you can look at your own posts from the past.
Other blog supporters: perhaps the easiest way is to pick a category you are interested in and look at the old posts.

PS I feel it is OK to bring our attention to a past post you find particularly interesting, relevant or prescient.

Thank you! We are getting closer to improving the blog.

5 thoughts on “Help Wanted with Checking Old Blog Posts”

  1. This is the way I’ve been doing it, there might be an easier way.
    First, open two tabs. One for the Dashboard and one just with the regular first page of the blog. Since you are a contributor you can see the Dashboard. From there you go to posts.. search on ones from any month prior to April 2013, then check the html to see if there is a photo or a link back to the blog.
    If so (this is kind of kludgy maybe there’s an easier way, I tried to preview it from the Dashboard and it didn’t seem to work) type the title into the regular search box on the “regular blog” tab and see what comes up, if the photo and the link work.

  2. Seems to me that there needs to be some coordination here on this thread to keep multiple people from checking the same threads and wasting time and extending the time required to complete the project/.


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