Pinchot Institute Outlook Forum 2014 Webinar Feb. 20

pinchot_logoHere’s the link for registration. It’s this Thursday.

Outlook Forum 2014 – Natural Resource Management and Accelerating Environmental Change: Challenges, Opportunities, and Questions
Moderator: Al Sample, President, Pinchot Institute

Presenters will include:
David Cleaves, Climate Change Advisor, US Forest Service

Meeting environmental with institutional change – unfolding new and more resilient arrangements for sustainability – President’s Climate Action Plan and Nov 2013 Executive Order
From actionable science to science in action – regional science coordination systems and science/management partnerships
Connected risks – stressors intensified and connected by climate and social change – risk management at the landscape scale
Ecosystem service values in management decisions – integrating carbon sequestration (mitigation) with other services in flux (adaptation).
Realigning institutions – Implementing a new land management planning rule and supporting restoration for resilience.

Stephen Pyne, Professor, Arizona State University; author of Fire in America

Historic wildfire policy/management and evolution as it relates to climate change
What we can learn from the past in a no-analogue future

Carlos Carroll, Science Advisor to Wilburforce Foundation; Klamath Conservation Research Center

Resilient sites as strategy for conserving biodiversity resources in western US and Canada

Chris Topik, Director, Restore America’s Forests, The Nature Conservancy

Collaborative, science-based forestry to accelerate forest restoration and enhance resiliency
Enhancing community and agency capacity to work with fire and changing environments
Broadening coalitions to increase the federal and non-federal funding base for active forestry

Steve Hamburg, Chief Scientist, Environmental Defense Fund

Role of forests in climate change mitigation (emissions reduction, sequestration)
Forest land conservation on private lands; maintaining forest carbon stocks
Optimal role of wood bioenergy within broader sustainability/climate strategy

Carlton Owen, President, US Endowment for Forestry & Communities

“Moving the needle”; big-picture, long-term strategies to make meaningful progress in sustaining forests for water, wildlife, wood, biodiversity, renewable energy
Active management of public and private forests; stable community economic development based on sustainable use of natural resources

Sally Collins, Co-Chair, MegaFlorestais; Rights & Resources Initiative

This century will bring unprecedented changes to the world’s forests. Public forest agencies can positively influence this future or be casualties of it
Regardless of the differences in public forest agencies around the world—institutional age, organizational structure and even the political system in which they operate—some principles are emerging that can help guide the future of effective forest governance in the twenty-first century

Peter Pinchot, President, EcoMadera; Director, Milford Experimental Forest

Community forestry in the agricultural frontier: Rural development and reducing emissions
Industry and government role in reforming commodity supply chains to conserve tropical forests

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