FS Wants to Know What You Think . . . Just Kidding

The Forest Service wants to know what you think about its proposed new ski area/water rights rule. I know this because the Forest Service issued a press release announcing that it “is seeking public comment on a proposal addressing water provided for ski areas on national forest lands through the permitting process.”

But, what if you actually want to read the rule and comment upon it? Too bad for you. The press release offers no link to the new rule nor any means to comment.

So today I sent a note to the news release’s “contact email” — [email protected] — suggesting it might be nice to add links to the rule and comment process to its press release.

Anyone want in on our office pool for how many days it takes to get a response?

Btw, a carefully crafted Google search will find a draft of the rule’s Federal Register notice, dated June 17, to which the June 18 press release could have linked.

4 thoughts on “FS Wants to Know What You Think . . . Just Kidding”

  1. And I called Jeffco Open Space to ask for their lost and found, and a human being called back in a half an hour. So why is it so hard to get answers from the FS?

    Thanks for finding the Federal Register Notice, you are indeed a crafty Googler!

      • Oh, well, I would have said “we apologize for leaving it off, thanks for catching it!” That’s the kind of thing I guess there is not time for nowadays šŸ™ .


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