Seven out of 10 of the world’s largest glaciers in Bridger Wilderness?

This is a bit off topic, but…. I happened to notice this caption to a beautiful photo on the USFS’s Managing the Land page (

Bridger Wilderness extends 80 miles along the Continental Divide with seven out of 10 of the world’s largest glaciers. The landscape is breathtaking with hundreds of alpine lakes, glacial cirques and wide sweeping valleys. (U.S. Forest Service)

Can that be true? I’d guess that there are many larger glaciers in Antarctica, Greenland, Iceland, Alaska, etc.





5 thoughts on “Seven out of 10 of the world’s largest glaciers in Bridger Wilderness?”

  1. Office pool: “How long will it take public affairs to delete the caption?”

    The amount of garbage that FS public affairs spouts is mind blowing. It was not always this way. It used to be that the lies and mis-information were pre-meditated towards a particular policy objective. Now they are just plain stupid.


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