More Photos From Scotland

Thanks be to Gaia, my camera with photos arrived today shortly after I posted the previous post. In honor of the vote tomorrow, here are a smattering of photos.I think you can click on them if you want to see them more clearly.

clearcut along road (see reflection in bus window)
clearcut along road (see reflection in bus window)

log truck
Log trucks.

Maes howe with cows
Note that the Maeshowe site, a World Heritage Site, is right next door to a pasture of cows.

P1020297 Dogs n’ livestock..something we have here…

Sound familiar?
Sound familiar?
Log deck to be loaded on a barge.
Log deck to be loaded on a barge.
For my Druid and Wiccan friends, here is a Rowan tree (Sorbus)
For my Druid and Wiccan friends, here is a Rowan tree (Sorbus)

Here is a link to some Rowanlore.

Good luck to all tomorrow and may there be a peaceful reconciliation thereafter!

2 thoughts on “More Photos From Scotland”

  1. Healthy looking cows and not bad looking logs too. The logs look like spruce? I wonder if in “ancient times” the hills were forested?

  2. Yeah, I’d like to know whether all the trees got mowed off for firewood. Obviously, trees can grow well there, at least on the lee side. Probably grow like crazy, like coastal Or E gun.


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