3 thoughts on “A new book to review?”

  1. I might read the book, but I didn’t think too much of the article. The author used they same old stories lines to get the slant he wanted. Anyone working with the Forest Service today realizes might be kind of confused about what exactly their mission is. But the million hoops they have to jump through to get anything done doesn’t make it any easier. It’s a giant bureaucracy that lumbers along. I have been waiting for over 15 years to buy a tree from the Powers Ranger Districts. Still hoping to too.

  2. Someone just sent me this book and I can’t wait to read it. I knew Jim Furnish in the Washington office and he was an iconoclast and also somewhat controversial. I’m glad he wrote this book. Just in scanning it over, he illuminates some of the organizational difficulties and rigidity that frustrated me about the Forest Service. Book review is a good idea!


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