A Forest Service leadership story from the old century

This article caught my attention because I used to hang out in the Hoosier National Forest during my first couple of years of college in the early 70s (and then I liked the subtitle – “When a Career Public Servant Sues the Agency He Loves”).  A story with some recognizable themes today.

1 thought on “A Forest Service leadership story from the old century”

  1. Fascinating to understand the roots of the OHV struggle on the Hoosier, Jon. While in DC about 1991, I wrote an appeal decision upholding the Hoosier’s decision not to allow ANY OHV use on NF lands. Butch Marita was the Reg Forester and I do not recall the Forest Supv name, but they were both outspoken in support of OHV ban based on Nixon’s Exec Order that stipulated agencies were to give due regard to noise effects on “neighbors” (among other factors). This had long been a contentious Hoosier issue. Tom Lennon, in charge of motorized rec vehicle policy in the WO was very upset about the decision, as he felt it set bad precedent. Dep Chief upheld the ban. I think Hoosier remains only NF with NO OHV policy.


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