Reviewers Needed for USFS Book

NCFP Bloggers,

You may recall that I am editing a book, a collection of essays called 193 Million Acres: Toward a Healthier and More Resilient U.S. Forest Service. The aim is to present constructive proposals for increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of the agency — solutions that would address challenges the agency faces. I have about two dozen first drafts that need reviews (constructive criticism) by folks with experience and expertise with the agency, either inside or outside of it. Topic areas include fire management policy/funding, legal/regulatory issues, collaboration, recreation, appeals and litigation, research and development, timber harvesting, leadership, agency history, etc. Essays range in length from about 2,000 words to 40,000 words. The review process is double blind: Authors will not know the identity of the reviewers, and vice versa.

If you’re interested in reviewing one or more essays in the next month or two, please let me know. Send me a brief summary of your experience and background and/or a CV, along with your contact information. I can’t pay you (or the authors, for that matter), but I’ll list you in the book, if you wish, as a reviewer. The book is scheduled to be available by August 2018.

Steve Wilent
Editor, The Forestry Source
The Society of American Foresters
[email protected] or [email protected]

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