NFS Litigation Weekly – March 16, 2018

Litigation Weekly March 16

(Update.)  Plaintiffs filed a petition with the U. S. Supreme Court regarding the Ninth Circuit’s opinion that the Federal Land Management and Policy Act authorized the Secretary of the Interior to withdraw national park and Kaibab National Forest lands near the Grand Canyon from new uranium mining claims for 20 years.

(New case.)  This is a challenge to the Fish and Wildlife Service reversing its 2011 determination that the Pacific walrus warranted listing under ESA as a result of climate change.  (D. Alaska)

1 thought on “NFS Litigation Weekly – March 16, 2018”

  1. Here’s some background on the Grand Canyon uranium case (we apparently did not get the FS litigation summary in December that included this case).

    From my recent research on the constitutional authority of the government to manage its lands, this doesn’t seem like it would interest the Supremes.

    Some “deeper” background:


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