NCFP Renewal Comments

I’ll be posting a variety of different things as we play around with different names and website formats.  As this process goes forward, please add your comments to the tab above named NCFP Renewal Comments (between “Comment Policy” and “Contributors” above. It makes it easier for me to round them all up. Thanks!

6 thoughts on “NCFP Renewal Comments”

  1. Just keep it like it was. Don’t try too hard – “the Bear Truth”???? I would never be attracted to a site with that name. And a “Community of Experts” ??? Makes me suspicious. Just let what you do speak for itself. It’s fine.

  2. Hi Sharon, I’m sort of with D Ellen so far. I had been out a week and came back to The Bear Truth, the Woodsy Wire, the Smokey Telegraph… at first I thought frequent contributors Steve Wilent, Matthew Koehler, Jon Haber were competing with your blog (having not read your Dec. 16 post about different formats)! Although New Century of Service narrow for all you cover, I think better than new renditions. Maybe something bland like Forestry Forum or Natural Resources Issues or Public Lands Briefs.

  3. Cindy, I think you’re making my point. It wasn’t the New Century of Service, it was New Century of Forest Planning, and of course it’s not really about forest planning.
    The problem with the bland ones is that they are not memorable and could easily be confused with others (there are a surprising number of others out there!). We’re not about public lands necessarily, nor all natural resource issues. So what brings us together are National Forests, and I’m find with National Forest News and Views as part of the title.

    It seems to me to be easier to ask for favors and funding from the many people I need to ask with a more colorful and memorable name. Or at least that’s what marketing people tell me. They seem to think that being indistinguishable from your peers is not the road to success.


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