Note from Region 5 Regional Forester on Covid, Fire, Recreation and Great American Outdoors Act $$$$$

R-5’s recreation site status map

Thanks to NAFSR for posting this link.

Many interesting things but I liked the recreation status map:

Recreating responsibly will help ensure that expanded access to recreational facilities, services, and opportunities continue. We ask for your help to continue getting this word out. This
summer, we launched a Geographic Information System (GIS) map that provides the public with updated information on the status of campgrounds, day-use sites, picnic areas, and other designated recreation sites on national forests throughout California…before they travel. You can view the GIS map at

I was also very pleased with the signing of the Great American Outdoors Act, which will enable federal land managers to take aggressive steps to address deferred maintenance and other infrastructure projects on national forests and grasslands. It will allow us to deliver higher quality customer service, enhance the visitor experience, and serve as a major catalyst for rural
economic development and employment opportunities through the projects funded and the resulting increase in tourism and recreation activity.

The Forest Service anticipates up to $285 million nationally, and up to $60 million regionally, on an annual basis over the next 5 years from the National Parks and Public Land Legacy
Restoration Fund. The bill also provides $900 million annually to the USDA and DOI through the Land and Water Conservation Fund, which will improve access to public lands, further
strengthening the recreation economy based on national forests and grasslands. Recreation on national forest lands in California contributes over 2 billion dollars to the California economy.
The agency is diligently working to provide priority lists to the Department regarding federal land acquisition and deferred maintenance projects on national forests and grasslands.

I guess I hadn’t realized the scale of $ of GAOA at the Regional level. Of course, he says “up to 60 mill on an annual basis” for the Region, and I don’t know what factors would influence the “up to”. Anyone have more info on this?

1 thought on “Note from Region 5 Regional Forester on Covid, Fire, Recreation and Great American Outdoors Act $$$$$”

  1. “Up to $60 mill…” This illustrates the (often yawning) chasm between “authorized” dollars and “appropriated” dollars. Good luck in a tight budget era in realizing promise of GAOA…


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