WGA Webinar Tomorrow on Implementing Forest Investments in the Infrastructure Bill

For those of you curious about strategies for pulling it off, this webinar sounds interesting.  Written highlights or particular points of interest from any TSW reader would be appreciated.


Register for the Working Lands, Working Communities webinar series
The Working Lands, Working Communities webinar series will continue this week with a new slate of regional experts ready to delve into the complexities of western conservation. The third webinar in the series, Implementing Forest Investments in the Infrastructure Bill, will take place on April 26 from 10:30 a.m. to noon MT. Panelists from the Idaho Department of Lands, Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, U.S. Forest Service and the Watershed Research & Training Center will examine strategies for increasing the capacity of western communities to plan and approve forest management projects, as well as to acquire the infrastructure, equipment, workers and contractors to do the work. The final webinar in the series, Invasive Annual Grasses Management, will start at 10 a.m on April 28 and feature a conversation between panelists from the National Invasive Species Council, Western Integrated Pest Management, Wyoming Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources Conservation Service about management tools for effectively managing cheatgrass, medusahead, and ventenata. Register now to join in the conversations. If you missed any of the previous webinars in the series, you can watch recordings here.

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