Question About Forest Service Budget and R&D

A reader asked:

I had a question about the FY 2024 budget (which is recently approved) and the impacts on USFS Research Stations and R&D. It seems like there is a hiring freeze in at least some (if not all) research stations, and it seems like the discussion is that this is a result of some combination of budget shortfalls in the budget (a small cut) as well as some allocation issues within the Budget Modernization efforts. Does anyone know what is happening here, and if hiring will be starting again anytime soon?

I was also wondering, in a possibly related question, because the Trout Unlimited Keystone Agreement included that TU could be paid to:

• Developing the science and tools to address high priority concerns such as climate change, impacts of energy development, restoration of degraded habitats and populations, and control of aquatic invasive species,

It used to be that R&D dollars were said to be necessary for “the science” but I’ve been assured that NFS funds are fine to use for this nowadays.

People with information can post here or contact me directly. I will respect your anonymity.

4 thoughts on “Question About Forest Service Budget and R&D”

  1. Trout Unltd, Wild Turkey Fed, Nature Conservancy and others are being given big $$ to engage in participative mgmt – might be a good thing, but has downsides too, like paying to freight logs from CA to WY sawmills.

    • Well, we will probably disagree about which of the funded projects are more desirable. I hope to find out more about the list of funded projects.

  2. While the National Forest System has other funding sources it can tap into to deal with the budget shortfall (mostly funds from timber sale receipts), R&D doesn’t have that, so my guess is that the R&D situation is tied to the Forest Service budget shortfall and the lack of funding flexibility in R&D vs. NFS. Now that Congress has passed a budget, there should be more information soon on how short the budget actually is and what that means for hiring freezes, shortages of travel funds, and other things related to “S&E” (salary and expenses).


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