Jewell may allow some national parks to reopen with state, private funds

This passage stands out:

Jewell’s overture comes as a key House Republican today pledged to hold hearings to discuss how to facilitate more state and local authority over national parks. Rep. Rob Bishop (R-Utah), the chairman of the Natural Resources Subcommittee on Public Lands and Environmental Regulation, said that the Obama administration has shuttered parks in an “overly political manner” and that states and localities could manage them better.


Jewell may allow some national parks to reopen with state, private funds

Phil Taylor, E&E reporter, Greenwire

Interior Secretary Sally Jewell is considering allowing states and private donors to finance the reopening of some national parks, in a switch from the agency’s earlier stance on such proposals that have come in during the government shutdown.

Governors in Arizona, Utah and South Dakota this month have offered state funds to reopen national parks including Zion, Arches, Grand Canyon and Mount Rushmore, where government-shutdown-caused closures have harmed gateway communities.

“Responding to the economic impacts that the park closures are having on many communities and local businesses, Secretary Jewell will consider agreements with governors who indicate an interest and ability to fully fund National Park Service personnel to re-open national parks in their states,” Interior spokesman Blake Androff said in a statement. “The Interior Department will begin conversations about how to proceed as expeditiously as current limited resources allow.”

It’s likely to come as a relief to gateway communities that thrive on the business visitors to the nation’s 401 park units bring to hotels, restaurants, outfitters and gas stations.

Jewell’s overture comes as a key House Republican today pledged to hold hearings to discuss how to facilitate more state and local authority over national parks. Rep. Rob Bishop (R-Utah), the chairman of the Natural Resources Subcommittee on Public Lands and Environmental Regulation, said that the Obama administration has shuttered parks in an “overly political manner” and that states and localities could manage them better.

The Obama administration has said it is unwilling to cede control over federal lands to states, and conservationists have summarily rejected the idea.

Utah Gov. Gary Herbert (R) this week said the government shutdown was costing Utah — home to Zion, Arches, Bryce Canyon, Capitol Reef and Canyonlands national parks, among other units — about $100 million.

“It is within the power and authority of the executive branch to allow the national parks and monuments to be reopened,” Herbert said in a Tuesday letter to President Obama. “We have a solution in place. We just need, literally, the keys to the gates. I cannot overstate that time is of the essence.”

A spokeswoman said Herbert spoke with Jewell by phone this afternoon.

“We’ve had a breakthrough and are working out details now,” said Ally Isom, Herbert’s deputy chief of staff.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R) late last week sent a similar letter, arguing that Interior allowed the Grand Canyon to be reopened during the government shutdown in 1995 using state and private donations and has accepted similar overtures from private groups to reopen visitors centers closed as a result of the federal sequester cuts.

A spokesman for Brewer did not say whether the governor had requested funding from the state Legislature, and if so, how much.

This week, a food bank is delivering food boxes to thousands of Grand Canyon employees who are stranded without work or pay during the government shutdown (Greenwire, Oct. 9).

South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard (R) said last week that he is willing to raise private funds to light Mount Rushmore and use state personnel to provide security.

John Garder, a budget expert with the National Parks Conservation Association, said legal agreements need to be in place before the Park Service can accept nonfederal funds or resources to operate a park. He said it took lengthy talks in 1995 to reopen only a small portion of the Grand Canyon.

“The Park Service has diverse legal requirements and arrangements unseen by the public that can impact why certain facilities are closed while others are not,” he wrote earlier this week on the group’s website. “We know the Park Service is receiving many requests related to the shutdown, but a key challenge is that they are trying to do so with only a tiny fraction of their normal staff.”

Jewell’s consideration of nonfederal funding sources is an apparent break from the Park Service’s initial response to states.

NPS spokesman Michael Litterst on Tuesday cited possible “legal constraints” involved in operating parks during the shutdown and said “it would not be appropriate or feasible to open some parks or some parts of parks while other parts of the National Park System remain closed to the public.”

The Park Service is under intense pressure from Republicans to open parks they argue require little day-to-day maintenance or supervision. Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus in a televised media appearance last week offered to pay security expenses to maintain operation of Washington, D.C.’s National World War II Memorial, a site that has become a symbol of the partisan rancor surrounding the closure of parks.

Reporter Elana Schor contributed.

Park Service cites trespassers at Grand Canyon, Yellowstone

What do you think? Is this a political stunt, or a reasonable reaction by the Park Service?

National Forests are open to visitors, though offices are closed and most employees are furloughed. I cut firewood (with a valid permit) on the Mt. Hood NF last weekend and saw lots of folks on bikes or in cars, and lots of cars parked at trailheads. Also saw two USFS law enforcement folks. So in National Forests are open to hikers, woodcutters, and others, why not National Parks?


From Greenwire:

Park Service cites dozens of trespassers at Grand Canyon, Yellowstone

The National Park Service issued citations to nearly two dozen people entering Grand Canyon National Park amid the government shutdown.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office will handle all citations, which Grand Canyon Chief Ranger Bill Wright said were given to some people spotted at the South Rim on trails, attempting rim-to-rim hikes or attempting to sneak into the park via dirt roads.

Law enforcement is patrolling the park, but most other park workers are furloughed, Wright said (AP/New York Times, Oct. 9).

Yellowstone and Grand Teton national park officials also have cited visitors attempting to sneak in.

“We have issued nine citations,” Grand Teton spokeswoman Jenny Anzelmo-Sarles said earlier this week.

Yellowstone National Park spokesman Al Nash said there have not been “widespread” issues as a result of the closures. “I know a few citations have been written,” Nash said. “We do have a fairly robust boundary patrol in conjunction with hunting season on land surrounding the park.”

In all, about 510 National Park Service workers in both parks were furloughed (AP/Billings Gazette, Oct. 8). — WW

ESA and Cypress Tree Listing

The article from Greenwire, below, and this excerpt from the USFWS’s new proposed rule, beg the question: Couldn’t, shouldn’t the agency have obtained better data before listing the Santa Cruz cypress tree as endangered?

“After more accurate
mapping (McGraw 2007, entire), we
now estimate that areal extent totals
approximately 188 ac (76 ha) (Service
2013, p. 43). Additionally, estimated
abundance of individuals in all
populations has changed over time,
from approximately 2,300 individuals at
the time of listing in 1987, to a current
range of 33,000 to 44,000 individuals
(although the latter estimate is variable
due to mortality and regeneration
following the 2008 Martin Fire that
burned 520 ac (210 ha) of land and a
portion of the Bonny Doon population)”

And maybe the cypress stands need some thinning?



Agency proposes reducing protections for Calif. cypress tree

Laura Petersen, E&E reporter

Published: Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Fish and Wildlife Service today proposed downlisting the status of the Santa Cruz cypress tree from endangered to threatened.

Found only in a small part of the Santa Cruz Mountains in California, the cypress is no longer at imminent risk of extinction from development, logging or agricultural conversion, the agency said in its proposed rule published today in the Federal Register.

The trees grow on lands managed for conservation by the state and by a private landowner. However, the species faces a number of other threats, so still requires the protection of the Endangered Species Act, the agency said.

“[T]hreats associated with alteration of fire regime and lack of habitat management continue to impede the species’ ability to recover,” the agency wrote in the proposed rule.

The Santa Cruz cypress tree was listed in 1987, when officials estimated 2,300 individuals remained. As information has improved, the agency said that was likely an underestimate. Between 33,000 and 44,000 cypress trees are now estimated to grow across about 188 acres.

The Pacific Legal Foundation petitioned in 2011 to downlist the tree, along with a handful of other species, and sued FWS in April for missing the deadline to issue a proposed rule. The group argues that endangered species listings affect property owners’ rights and can require landowners to undertake costly consultations to receive development permits.

However, the downlisting “does not significantly change the protections afforded this species under the Act,” according to the proposed rule. As before, all federally funded or permitted activities must not jeopardize the cypress’ long-term survival.

Conservationists applauded the proposal.

“The remarkable rebound of this precious little California evergreen is the latest proof that the Endangered Species Act puts species on the path to recovery,” said Angela Crane, endangered species organizer at the Center for Biological Diversity.

USFS To Take Back SRS Funds

You’ll probably see this in tomorrow’s papers — especially here in Oregon, which stands to lose $4 million.

Forest Service taking back federal funds from 22 states

By Associated Press, Updated: Thursday, August 22, 2:42 PM

JUNEAU, Alaska — The U.S. Forest Service plans to take a portion of the timber payments it has promised or paid out to 22 states, citing federal budget cuts.

Collection letters from Forest Service Chief Thomas Tidwell went out to governors around the country Monday, saying money would be taken from funds used for habitat improvement and other national forest-related projects that put people to work under the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act.

Oregon stands to lose the most in the move, with nearly $4 million in reductions. That would leave the state with about $3.4 million under that program.

California would lose nearly $2.2 million, leaving it with about $1 million for the program. Idaho is set to lose $1.7 million, Montana nearly $1.3 million and Alaska, about $930,000 — nearly half the total allotment it had been expecting.

Earlier this year, Tidwell sent letters to 41 states, asking for the return of $17.9 million in timber payments used to pay for schools, roads, search and rescue operations in rural counties and conservation projects.

“We regret having to take this action, but we have no alternative under sequestration,” Tidwell said in his letter to Alaska Gov. Sean Parnell, dated March 19.

Alaska was given the option of having about $826,000 the state had received or expected under the act reduced from its so-called “Title II funds,” for habitat improvement and other projects, or getting a bill for the money that had already been paid out under other sections of the act. Parnell refused, saying there was no basis in law for the request.

It wasn’t immediately clear why the agency was taking a greater share of funds from Alaska now.

Parnell spokeswoman Sharon Leighow said by email that the state will be exploring all options to address the agency’s actions, “as an individual state and in concert with other states.”

The Western Governors’ Association, in a letter to U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack in May, said the budget act that triggered the automatic federal budget cuts, known as sequestration, does not include language authorizing “retroactive application of the spending reductions or limitations. Nor does it contain language requiring reimbursement of funds that were already distributed in order to satisfy spending limitations.”

The Forest Service falls under the Department of Agriculture.

The Associated Press reported Wednesday that the Forest Service was diverting $600 million from other areas to put toward wildland firefighting efforts.

Agency spokesman Larry Chambers said the Forest Service had been dealing with the issue of collections under the Secure Rural Schools act since March, “well before any decision was made regarding transfer of fire funds.”


O&C Lands Web Ad

Came across this ad on today. I’ve seen a few other forestry-oriented web ads before, such as those featuring Smokey Bear and from the USFS’s I’m collecting such ads, so please let me know when and where you find them — [email protected]. Thanks!

FYI, clicking on this ad takes you to:

O&C Lands Web Ad

New USFS Categorical Exclusions

From E&E News….

Agency to accelerate NEPA reviews for soil, water restoration

Phil Taylor, E&E reporter

Published: Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Forest Service will soon finalize a rule designed to accelerate environmental reviews for projects that restore water and soil, including the removal of culverts or seeding of native plants.

The rule aims to restore lands and waterways that have been harmed by roads, trails, levees and culverts, as well as natural events like floods and hurricanes.

The agency plans to establish three new categorical exclusions for hydrologic, aquatic and landscape restoration activities. Categorical exclusions take about one-third less time than environmental assessments (EAs) under the National Environmental Policy Act, the agency said.

The new exclusions will apply to projects that restore uplands, wetlands, floodplains and stream banks to their natural condition. Activities could include dike, culvert and debris removal; stream bank stabilization; and road and trail decommissioning.

“This rule will help us improve the resiliency, health and diversity of our forests and grasslands,” Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell said in a statement. “We will now be able to move forward with our partners to focus more energy on action, and less on paperwork, to restore more acres in less time.”

The agency said it prepares between 2,000 and 2,500 categorical exclusions and 400 environmental assessments each year. EAs often run hundreds of pages long.

The new exclusions aim to restore water flows to natural channels and floodplains and will not exclude public input, the agency said.

The new rule, which has yet to be officially released, will not be used to decide whether the public has access to roads and trails. Those decisions typically undergo a separate NEPA review.

“The majority of issues associated with road and trail decommissioning arise from the initial decision whether to close a road or trail to public use rather than from implementing individual restoration projects,” the agency said in a draft of the rule last summer (E&ENews PM, June 12, 2012).

Still, the proposal drew intense criticism from motorized recreation enthusiasts.

“Some of the agency’s recommendations make sense, but as usual, they go too far,” said a statement last summer by Brian Hawthorne, public lands policy director for the Idaho-based BlueRibbon Coalition, a national group that promotes motorized access on public lands.

The draft rule would allow the decommissioning of non-system roads to more natural conditions, removal of unauthorized roadbeds or the placement of boulders or other impediments in front of non-system trails.

But Hawthorne said many travel planning projects that close roads are amended within one or two years after completion. “It is quite likely that routes proposed for decommissioning will be necessary additions in future recreation and travel planning,” he said at the time.

The group was not immediately available this afternoon for comment.

The Forest Service said it consulted with its own scientists, reviewed peer-reviewed research and compared several other federal agencies’ use of CEs for similar restoration activities.

The new CEs “would not individually or cumulatively have significant effects on the human environment,” it said.

The proposal garnered 367 comments.

Utah, enviros reach rare agreement on disputed wilderness roads

From Greenwire today. Note the use of “Enviros” in the headline — this is the sort of abbreviation/shorthand I mentioned in another post, rather than a generalization. Is this use of “Enviros” offensive?

Interesting bit: “”This settlement is a positive development, but it shouldn’t be lost on anyone that the state of Utah has 29 other active lawsuits claiming more than 14,000 other dirt roads and trails — totaling more than 36,000 miles…”


Utah, enviros reach rare agreement on disputed wilderness roads

Phil Taylor, E&E reporter

Published: Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Bureau of Land Management, Utah, Juab County and environmental groups have agreed to amicably resolve a handful of disputed road claims in remote mountains west of Salt Lake City, in a rare accord over who owns the rights of way over BLM lands in the state.

The groups yesterday announced a settlement designed to balance the protection of primitive lands in the Deep Creek Mountains wilderness study area with access for motorized vehicle users.

It marks the first negotiated settlement in Utah’s larger bid to obtain rights of way over more than 12,000 road segments crossing tens of thousands of miles of federal lands.

“This could be a model for settling other … lawsuits, as long as counties and the state come to the table with solid evidence to support historic public use of a route, and as long as the settlement offers protection for special areas under threat from [off-highway vehicles] and roads,” said Heidi McIntosh of Earthjustice, which represented the Sierra Club, Wilderness Society and Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance in the case.

Utah and Juab filed the lawsuit in federal district court in Salt Lake City in 2005 under an obscure 1866 mining law known as R.S. 2477.

Until its repeal in 1976, R.S. 2477 allowed homesteaders, miners and ranchers almost unrestricted rights to build roads and trails across federal lands. If the state or county can prove the roads were sufficiently used or maintained before 1976, R.S. 2477 rights of way can be retroactively granted.

In the Deep Creek case, three rights of way were granted to Juab, which agreed to maintain them for “responsible use” limited mostly to their current width, environmentalists said.

In return, the county said it would relinquish one R.S. 2477 claim and half of two others, impose off-highway vehicle restrictions and waive all future claims in the wilderness study area and in lands proposed for wilderness designation in House and Senate legislation from Rep. Rush Holt (D-N.J.) and Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) to designate more than 9 million acres of wilderness in Utah.

The settlement must be approved by U.S. District Judge Tena Campbell.

Utah Gov. Gary Herbert (R) said he is hopeful that the Juab settlement can be replicated in some of the other lawsuits filed in 2012 in 22 of Utah’s 29 counties.

The settlement requires BLM to unlock a gate on Granite Canyon Road and remove fallen trees and any other obstacles blocking access to Camp Ethel, Utah said. The state or county may repair the roads, but they are prohibited from paving, improving or widening them.

“This settlement is a great first step and we hope this will serve as a template on how to resolve other public road lawsuits involving similar types of road claims,” said Utah Attorney General John Swallow in a statement. “It also demonstrates that the state and counties will take preservation issues into account when resolving road claims.”

Juab Commission Chairman Chad Winn said the routes were once used to reach “beautiful camping areas and historic sites in our county.” The date for opening the roads has not been determined.

Stephen Bloch, SUWA’s legal director, was more circumspect, noting that the settlement is just one in what he has called a “tsunami of litigation” that threatens the state’s national parks, monuments and best remaining backcountry.

“This settlement is a positive development, but it shouldn’t be lost on anyone that the state of Utah has 29 other active lawsuits claiming more than 14,000 other dirt roads and trails — totaling more than 36,000 miles — as R.S. 2477 ‘highways,'” he said in a statement.

The settlement follows a federal district judge’s decision in March to award Utah’s Kane County rights of way over 12 of the 15 R.S. 2477 claims it had filed, including four that traverse the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument and one that enters a wilderness study area (Greenwire, March 25).

That case has been appealed by both Kane County and the Interior Department to the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Without more settlements, Utah’s R.S. 2477 lawsuits could easily last decades and could dramatically change how federal lands in the state are managed.

Wolf vs. Bicyclist

Since wolves have been the subject of so much discussion here, I thought you-all might enjoy this item from High Country News:


William “Mac” Hollan, 35, of Sandpoint, Idaho, was riding his bike ahead of two friends on the Alaska Highway, halfway through an epic 2,750-mile trip to Prudhoe Bay, when the unthinkable happened. A wolf emerged from the trees and started nipping “at the bike’s rear packs the way it would bite the hamstrings of a fleeing moose in the drawn-out ordeal of subduing large prey,” reports Rich Landers in the Spokane Spokesman-Review.” Hollan sped up, and whenever the wolf got close, he blasted it with bear spray. But the wolf loped ever closer even as the drivers of four different vehicles gawked but did not stop. When he realized a hill lay dead ahead, Hollan later said, “It was a surreal moment to realize that I was prey” and that there was no way he could beat his pursuer to the top of the incline. As Hollan got ready to jump off and use his bike as a shield, a Hummer suddenly pulled over. “I saw the panicked look on the biker’s face — as though he was about to be eaten,” said driver Melanie Klassen. Another vehicle also pulled up, and as the wolf leaped on Hollan’s bike, pulling at the shredded remains of his tent bag, Hollan jumped into the front passenger seat of Becky Woltjer’s recreational vehicle, shaking and cussing uncontrollably, he recalled. Meanwhile, Klassen yelled at the wolf and beaned it with a water bottle, but it didn’t retreat until other cars stopped and people began throwing rocks. An Environment Yukon spokeswoman called the incident “a new one for us,” although a similar incident happened June 8 in British Columbia, when a wolf gave chase to a motorcyclist. And you thought the Tour de France was exciting.


NY Times on Wolf Delisting

A Times’ editorial today:



Wolves Under Review

Published: August 15, 2013

In June, the Fish and Wildlife Service prematurely proposed to end federal protection for gray wolves in the lower 48 states in the belief that wolves had fully recovered from near eradication in the early 20th century. This was politics masquerading as science. The Fish and Wildlife Service would love to shed the responsibility of protecting large carnivores, like the wolf and the grizzly bear, and hunters and ranchers throughout the Rocky Mountains would love to see wolves eradicated all over again.

By law, a decision like this one — to remove an animal from the endangered species list — requires a peer review: an impartial examination of wolf numbers, population dynamics and the consequences of proposed actions. But science and politics have gotten tangled up again. The private contractor, a consulting firm called AMEC, which was hired to run the review, removed three scientists from the review panel. Each of the scientists had signed a May 21 letter to Sally Jewell, the interior secretary, criticizing the plan to turn wolf management over to the states.

In the peer-review process, there is only the illusion of independence, for the simple reason that the Fish and Wildlife Service controls the appointment of panelists. The agency would like to pretend that these panelists were removed for their lack of impartiality. In fact, they failed to measure up to the agency’s anti-wolf bias. The Fish and Wildlife Service is now busy covering its tracks. It postponed evaluation of the delisting plan because, it says, the identities of the panelists, which were supposed to be hidden from agency officials, had been discovered.

If wolves can’t get a fair hearing at the federal level, what chance do they have at the state level? The answer is, very little. Scientists have already noted a 7 percent decline in Rocky Mountain wolves since they were delisted, and hunts authorized, in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming.

Wolves arouse passions that seem to preclude any effort to treat them the way they should be treated: as part of a natural, healthy ecosystem. That is how the Clinton administration understood wolves when it reintroduced them to the region in the mid-1990s, and it’s how they should be understood now.

UPDATE: Interior halts selection of scientists for peer review of wolf delisting proposal

An update from Greenwire:


Interior halts selection of scientists for peer review of wolf delisting proposal

Phil Taylor, E&E reporter

Published: Monday, August 12, 2013

The Interior Department is putting the brakes on a scientific peer review of its proposal to remove Endangered Species Act protections for wolves after discovering it had improper knowledge of the scientists who would be participating in the review.

The Fish and Wildlife Service was able to deduce which scientists its contractor AMEC was proposing to review the delisting proposal, a fact that runs afoul of the agency’s peer review standards, an FWS spokesman said.

The peer review selection process has been put on hold pending further review, said the spokesman, Gavin Shire.

“We’ve decided that [it] doesn’t meet the standard for independent peer review selections,” he said.

The decision is likely to come as a relief to wolf advocates who had criticized the agency for suggesting that AMEC exclude from the peer review three scientists who had signed a May 21 letter raising scientific objections to a leaked wolf delisting proposal (Greenwire, Aug. 8).

Today, one of those three scientists said the agency was wrong to recommend he be excluded from the peer review team.

John Vucetich, a professor at Michigan Technological University who has conducted extensive research on wolves at Isle Royale National Park in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, said his past criticism of the agency’s delisting proposal should not disqualify him from the peer review team.

Vucetich, Roland Kays of North Carolina State University and Robert Wayne of the University of California, Los Angeles, were among 16 scientists who signed the letter. AMEC proposed that all three be included in the peer review.

But Fish and Wildlife in a recent email to the firm — which had been selected to lead the peer review — said signatories to that letter would not be appropriate for the peer review, though it is not entirely clear why. The agency has not provided a copy of that email.

“Everyone who signed that letter was qualified and knowledgeable,” Vucetich said in an interview with E&ENews PM today. “People should be more concerned with the qualifications of a person rather than their final judgment.”

The opinions expressed in the May 21 letter are exactly what’s expected of peer reviewers, Vucetich added.

“If you pass judgment but don’t offer any reasons or if you pass judgment and simply aren’t qualified to, that’s inappropriate,” he said in a separate interview with the California Wolf Center that was posted to YouTube. “I and several others passed judgment, but we passed judgment after becoming familiar with the materials and based on our qualified knowledge of the topic. I don’t think that’s advocacy.”

Vucetich said FWS easily knew that he was among the scientists AMEC was proposing to take part in the review.

The firm had submitted the resumes of the scientists it was proposing for the review with the names removed. However, any reasonable observer could have identified Vucetich’s resume given that his name is cited about 100 times in the resume for the publications he has helped author, Vucetich said.

Wayne’s resume would have also been readily apparent, Vucetich said.

“It’s simply a lie,” he said, to suggest the agency didn’t know who was on the peer review list.

Vucetich was also picked to participate in the peer review by Atkins Global, another environmental consulting firm, which bid for the FWS contract but lost.

The agency’s handling of the peer review last week drew complaints from critics who argued it was trying to stifle scientific dissent.

“It seems like reviewers are being cherry-picked,” said Dan Thornhill, a scientist for Defenders of Wildlife who holds a Ph.D. in ecology from the University of Georgia and has been involved in peer reviews for more than 15 years. “It’s not like a jury. You really want things to be vetted by the best and brightest scientists.”

Defenders and other environmental groups have opposed the delisting proposal, arguing that wolves should be allowed to occupy more of their former habitat in the southern Rocky Mountains, the Pacific Northwest and the Northeast.

Vucetich said the Endangered Species Act suggests that to be recovered, a species has to be “somewhat well distributed throughout its former range.” Currently, wolves occupy about 15 percent of their former range, he said.

The FWS solicitation for the peer review sought experts with backgrounds in wolf ecology who are sufficiently independent from FWS and who have not been engaged in advocacy.

“Peer reviewers will be advised that they are not to provide advice on policy,” the FWS solicitation stated. “Rather, they should focus their review on identifying and characterizing scientific uncertainties.”

FWS said it did not order the removal of any particular scientists from the peer review panel, though it did send an email to AMEC raising concerns over whether the signatories to the letter would be sufficiently independent and objective.

“Objective and credible peer review is critical to the success of threatened and endangered species recovery and delisting efforts,” agency spokesman Chris Tollefson said last week. “For this reason, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service takes every step possible to work with our independent peer review contractors to ensure that selected scientific experts have not prejudged the proposals they will review.”

The FWS delisting decision was hailed by Western states, livestock groups and hunters who agreed with the agency that wolves are no longer in danger of extinction after being nearly eradicated from the lower 48 states (Greenwire, June 7).

More than 6,000 wolves roam the western Great Lakes states and Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, up from nearly zero when they were listed in the 1970s.