Nie’s Blog Reflections and Sign Off

Some readers might recall that when Sharon and I began this blog, we somehow managed to get the USFS and UM logos on our Masthead—proof of a true and perhaps significant collaboration focused on the new USFS planning rule. I really liked the idea of a blog specifically focused on an important and forthcoming rule—a … Read more

Two Views of the Tester Bill

Thanks to Matthew Koehler for finding this.. Missoula Independent December 22, 2011 Nada for collaborators: Tester’s forest act isn’t sleeping–it’s dead by George Ochenski It’s the winter solstice, the shortest day and longest night of the year for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere. Trees are up and lights are twinkling to fend … Read more

Is Anyone Minding the Store?

For three years I’ve been wondering whether anyone in USDA pays attention to what the Forest Service does or says. Left to its own devices, the Forest Service is capable of much mischief. Here’s today’s example, from the “National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy“: Wildland fire management actions are guided by a suite of laws, … Read more

Speaking up for America’s Forests

This is from the TNC blog here. The following is a guest post written by Chris Topik. Chris has spent his entire career working to restore America’s forests. Today he serves as director of The Nature Conservancy’s Restoring America’s Forests program. Previously he worked as staff for the House Interior, Environment and Related Agencies Appropriations … Read more

Chief on New Planning Rule

For those of you who don’t want to look at the whole hearing..from here. US Forest Service Chief Testifies On New Direction For Forest Planning WASHINGTON, – U.S. Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell testified before Congress on the strengths and efficiencies of the agency’s draft new Planning Rule that, when finalized, will provide a … Read more

Collaborative’s logging plan still controversial – Op-ed by Mike Garrity

Here’s the link..thanks to Matthew Koehler. Collaborative’s logging plan still controversial By Mike Garrity – IR Your Turn | Posted: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 A Nov. 1 article in the Independent Record reported that a “collaborative” group developed and submitted to the Forest Service a proposal to log thousands of acres in and around an … Read more

Coming together to protect the backcountry- op ed by Jim Risch and Chris Wood

From Oregonlive here. Thanks to Terry Seyden! October marks the fifth anniversary of the state of Idaho’s petition to develop its own rule governing the management of backcountry inventoried roadless areas on national forests within the state. When the petition was issued, it might have seemed unlikely that the two of us–one of whom helped … Read more

Putting Lawsuits Before Results: Missoulian Editorial on Colt Summit

Thanks to Terry Seyden for this find (so glad you’re back!). Putting lawsuits before results: Environmental groups suing over timber sale need to collaborate Missoulian editorial | Posted: Sunday, October 2, 2011 8:00 am Nearly everyone – environmental groups, timber companies, private landowners and public lands agencies – would agree that land management decisions … Read more

How to do Assessments Under the Proposed Forest Service Planning Rule – Part 4: Beginning with the End

This is the last in a series of posts about assessments for Forest/Grassland plan revisions under the proposed Forest Service planning rule.  The posts are a summary of this working draft of the asssessment process.  In previous posts, Part 1 described some suggestions about how the assessment process would focus on a series of questions derived from … Read more