Will Anyone Miss NFMA Planning?

At midnight tonight, NFMA planning ceases to exist. All forest planners will be furloughed. No more collaborations, assessments, EIS writing, model-building, monitoring, or map-making. Will the sun still rise on Monday morning without NFMA planning? Will the deer still browse and the birds still sing? Will trees still grow, die, burn, and rot without planning … Read more

The Art and Promise of Adaptive Governance

Adaptive Governance is art and science, blended with management and politics. It is art since political decision-making is an art. One face of adaptive governance is a dance wherein public land managers engage with particularly ecological and social scientists in learning from experience about transformations in ecosystems and institutions. The dance is broadened further, since … Read more

Forest Wars: From Multiple Use to Sustained Conflict

When we sometimes tire of our “word wars” here, we need to remember that they are just one manifestation of broader holy wars being waged in and around our public lands. Long Road to War Utilitarian ideology has been a mainstay in forest policy development since the early 1900s when Gifford Pinchot and Bernhard Fernow … Read more

Time for a New Department of Public Lands?

An old adage says, “Form follows function.” In my experience with the federal government it often works the other way around, i.e. Function follows form. Consider “collaborative engagement.” If you survey the landscape, you’ll often find the Forest Service attempting collaboration, while at the same time so is the Bureau of Land Management, the US … Read more

The Musts & Shalls

One of my hopes for the new planning rule was that it would require the writing of meaningful forest plans.  Here is what I wrote as part of last year’s science panel (Nie NFS planning rule science panel statement): There is little value in writing expensive, time-consuming plans if such plans make no decisions and … Read more

4FRI Agreement Signed

Here’s the link to an Arizona Daily Sun story. On paper, they are all starting on the same page. Now comes the hard part: finding the money and implementing one of the most ambitious forest restoration plans in the country. More than 20 organizations — some of them past legal adversaries — signed a memorandum … Read more

New Planning Rule Fails as Adaptive Management

What is a forest plan? A committee of scientists once said that a forest plan is simply a loose-leaf compendium of all decisions large and small that affect the administration of a national forest. Following adaptive management principles and practices, “decisions” can and are made at multiple scales: international, national whether or not made by … Read more