A Trailblazing Plan to Fight California Wildfires: New Yorker Story

Thanks to a Smokey Wire reader for this one! The story is about Sagehen Creek Field Station run by UC. Well worth reading in its entirety. Lots of leadership, including by Scott Conway the silviculturist as well as I’m sure many others on the District, the Sagehen Creek folks, collaboration and patience. Sure, we all … Read more

Western Governors’ Roundtable on Invasive Species

Remember invasive species? They were one of the Four Threats that Chief Bosworth outlined in (2006?) (a) fire and fuels, (b) invasive species, (c) loss of open space, and (d) unmanaged recreation (this was focused on OHVs). It seems like invasive species never get their due attention in media accounts of problems, which seems to … Read more

National monument planning on a fast track

The BLM will hold four scoping meetings the week of March 26  to identify key issues and planning criteria for two environmental impact statements (EIS) for the Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante national monuments, “but monument supporters say the BLM should holster its planning process until the courts resolve lawsuits seeking the monuments’ restoration…  Culver … Read more

Feds to Update Endangered Species Act

Here is an interesting post from Bob Berwyn’s blog. Thanks, Bob,  for finding this! I tried to simply “repost” it to this blog but had technical difficulties.. Below is an excerpt: Details The changes would provide greater clarity to the public and states on what information would best inform the evaluation of a species’ status … Read more

4FRI: “$127 per acre in environmental study and contract costs”

Article from the Arizona Journal yesterday. I thought this line was interesting: “The problem boils down to a projected gap in the number of forest acres available to timber industries that are currently thinning forests in Northern Arizona between the end of the White Mountain Stewardship contract and the beginning of the 4FRI project. In … Read more

Odd bedfellows try collaborating to resolve conflicts- from E&E News

Thanks to a friend from Montana for this one from E&E News. Here’s a link to the principles agreed to by the Montana Forest Restoration Committee. This photo is from the Monitoring tab on the MFRC website. This quote below is interesting: “The groups said the project — the first CFLRP-funded project to come under … Read more