An interim report of the Science Forum is now available on the Forest Service planning rule website. The 12 pages of bullet statements were prepared by the consultant Booz Allen Hamilton. The planning rule website also says that powerpoint presentations of panelists will soon be posted, and an official full summary report from the consultant will be posted in the coming weeks. Video clips of the forum will also be available.
Here is a science/management comment I just left on the “official blog”, as a follow-up to the synthesis of the science panels:
I think that novelty, surprise and ignorance usually come up when discussing the monitoring idea of “validation” of the assumptions or models. Perhaps these concepts can be incorporated into any learning systems that are proposed for the rule.
They also come up in decision-making, assessments, etc. In the management realm, one of my favorite — but not yet blogged about — articles is titled Managing Organizational Ignorance, by Michael Zack. It’s worth a read. I haven’t figured out why I’ve not blogged much about it, I’ve used it for a bunch of years and even prepared handouts about it when in the Forest Service.
Dave- maybe it’s time to post your handouts.. or summarize the suggestions in the book.
The handouts were generally a link to the article and the associated “figures” and “tables”, which are easily overlooked when following the hyperlink. I should (and next week likley will) do a summary post of the Zack’s insight.