Wild by Law- Char Miller on the Weeks Act

The bust and portrait of New Hampshire native John Weeks is seen at the entrance way of the John Weeks Room at the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests office in Concord, N.H. (AP)

Due to the 100th anniversary of the Weeks Act, stories such as this in the Republican American are floating around the New England press.

Char Miller contributes Weeks Act Forest Planning[1]essay called “Wild by Law.” Longer than a blog post, but well worth the read, and a gentle reminder that public lands ideas, ideals and controversy are not just a western concern.

1 thought on “Wild by Law- Char Miller on the Weeks Act”

  1. And yet the 800,000 acre White Mountain Nat. Forest consistently harvests around 10 million board foot(MMBF) of timber on 1500 acres annually, while the 2,600,000 forested acre Beaverhead Deerlodge Nat. Forest harvests an average of 6 MMBF/year on 800 acres.

    All the while, the White Mountain hosts 6,000,000 visitors annually (what’s that-twice Yellowstones)and is 100 miles from Boston. You would think it would be the opposite.


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