Conveniently for the NCFP reader, we have our own resident roadless geek (me!). A new act in Roadless Rule Theater opened last week with the beginning of a comment period on the proposed 2011 Colorado Roadless Rule. In my view, the first step of reaching mutual understanding is to jointly examine underlying facts. In this spirit, I will introduce two new features:
1) Roadless Fact Check- where I will examine claims made by various individuals and press stories.
2) A q&a opportunity called “Ask a Roadless Geek” where I will do my best to answer your questions. Send them to [email protected]. If you don’t feel comfortable using your name, you can use any pseudonym you’d like, e.g. “Perplexed by Obscure Policy” or “Somnolescent Due to Apparently Endless Wrangling”.
These two efforts are supplanting the previous “Roadless Media Watch” that showed up on the right hand column.
Stay tuned for the first edition of Roadless Fact Check…