I hadn’t been to a Convention since I entered Planning World and it was amazing to see all the changes; in the people, in what they are studying and the way that everyone is looking at the world. I could post on every presentation I attended (and may, through time). I also found a variety of people interested in posting and commenting, a source of more Grassland photos, and received a lot of positive feedback about this blog (and you posters and commenters) and my presentation (which I will post as part of catching up).
Right now, though, I am heading home and have a bunch of other backed up pieces. But for now, here’s to the young people- foresters and others, and all those responsible for our mutual future. The young foresters I met this week were amazing- with incredible energy, positive spirits and competence.
What is it that they can do? Figure it out; how to provide a good environment, jobs, and responsible use of our resources to provide for the needs of society. There is a good Rosemary Radford Ruether (the ecofeminist theologian) quote that I can find when I get home). Something about harmony (shades of NEPA..) and a celebratory culture.
Donnie McClurkin was my background music for the week.. so here’s a musical affirmation for those folks called “Yes You Can”. I was listening to Donnie’s album “Again” on my IPod. So I looked for a Youtube to share, and Serendipitously the first one that came up featured a tree.
Here it is:
Sharon, what percent of SAF foresters are in Federal Govt., and what % are in state and private? Roughly.
Derek- I don’t know. I have laid a trapline to find out with SAF.
I have the feeling that there the proportion used to be higher than it is now.