State of the Media, and Implications for Climate Change Coverage:Rescheduled


The Center for Science and Technology Policy Research at the University of Colorado, Boulder, is having a seminar that will be webcast, which is neat (IMHO) both in terms of saving parking and carbon, and it can reach folks across the country and world. Very cool. Previous sessions are also stored here. There is one called “What are blogs good for anyway” I’ve wanted to watch.

The speaker is Tom Yulsman.

Abstract: Today, anyone with WordPress and Youtube accounts can have the equivalent of their own newspaper and television station. This has drawn readers and eyeballs away from traditional media. While news organizations have finally embraced the online environment, “in the digital realm the news industry is no longer in control of its own future,” according to the 2011 State of the News Media Report from the Pew Research Center. And in the past 10 years, one out of every three newsroom jobs has vanished, with specialists such as science and environmental reporters being among the first to go. At the same time, traditional news organizations — and newspapers in particular — provide the bulk of what is known as “accountability news.” This is the information that the bloggers, pundits, talk radio hosts, commentators and so-called “citizen journalists” depend on to produce their own content. In this talk, I’ll cover the details of these trends, and discuss the implications for covering complex issues such as climate change.

Now, some of you might remember my piece here on the Range Blog of High Country News about whether some topics are too complex for news stories. I wonder what Professor Yulsman’s perspective is from the media side.

Here’s the link to the webinar.

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