I just ran across this action alert from the Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center:
Sometimes the Forest Service just can’t let go of a bad idea. For years timber planners on the
Salmon/Scott River District of the Klamath National Forest in California have wanted to log the native forests at the “Little Cronan” timber sale.
This is about the worst place possible for a timber sale- Currently these old-growth forests provide spotted owl habitat and riparian reserves near the Wild and Scenic eligible North Fork Salmon River. Further, the US Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed the area as “critical” for the protection and recovery of spotted owls.
The Forest Service is proposing to build log landings and designate bulldozer skid trails in this Key Watershed for salmon recovery and even hopes to open-up “riparian reserves” for logging.
At a time when many communities are coming together to embrace restoration forestry, why return to the dark ages of riparian old-growth logging in a Key Watershed for at-risk species?
Take action here and let the Forest Service know how you feel.
Dark ages? Here’s what the Little Cronan Thin decision memo says:
“Stand Density and Fuels Reduction
The purpose and need for this proposed action is to improve stand health and vigor within 213 acres of overstocked stands. By reducing the density in these overstocked stands, they will move towards a condition where they can provide a sustained yield of wood products with a reduced risk of stand-replacing fire, disease, or other damage. The stands in this project are all heavily stocked with a variety of ages, size classes, and species. Many trees exhibit slowed growth, shortened crowns, and moderate defect (i.e. broken tops, fungus). Blister rust is evident in sugar pine, while mistletoe and red ring rot are prevalent in Douglas-fir. Much of the pole-sized timber has experienced a suppressed state to the point that mortality is occurring.”
One of the project objectives is to promote and protect habitat features for the NSO. The Little Cronan Project design is intended to incorporate management recommendations in the 2011 Revised Recovery Plan and measures recommended in the 2008 Critical Habitat. Recovery Action 32 recommends protecting and maintaining forest with high quality habitat. Portions of the project area have been classified as NSO nesting/roosting, dispersal, and foraging habitat. Although the project area is not within critical habitat for the NSO, silvicultural prescriptions were written to maintain these NSO habitat characteristics after treatment.”
Thank you, and welcome Steve. Your past contributions to internet forestry discussions are legend.
Thanks, Steve. I agree with Larry plus I am a big fan of the Forestry Source. .
Seems like an opportunity for the Forest Service to tell its side of the story.
This post provides a demonstration of BAU, and providing an example of how “Collaboration, Stewardship, and Restoration” is being used for the maintenance and funding for Business As Usual on our national forests.
The current SOPA for the Tongass NF totals 341 mmbf — when the last 5 years of timber sold has averaged 50 mmbf or less.
This ambitious agenda would have never been attempted without environmental collaborateurs’ assurances to play along with the Stewardship and Restoration Ruse.
Yes, the preservationists continue to despise the three “C-words” of collaboration, consensus and compromise. Yep, everyone else who participates is wrong, evil and corrupted, in the eyes of preservationists.