Thanks to the Daily Courier from Prescott, Arizona for solving the mystery.
Here is the link and below is an excerpt.
It doesn’t sound like USDA is in the mainstream of other land management agencies in terms of communicating to the public. What’s up with that, and that tight control over information? Another argument for sending the Forest Service to Interior.. read the article for the details of what the Interior agencies are doing.
The Daily Courier was unable to assess the local impacts of Vilsack’s letter because – unlike other federal agencies the Courier contacted – Vilsack is not allowing employees outside of Washington to discuss sequester issues.
The Courier was directed to a D.C. spokesperson for the USDA who didn’t have answers to questions Wednesday about whether the Prescott National Forest is able to continue hiring seasonal employees, or even how many seasonals the forest planned to hire. The spokesperson, USDA Deputy Press Secretary Stephanie Chan, did send Vilsack’s letter.
I share your opinion of the USDA’s “gag” on Forest Service people commenting on issues such as the impact of Sequestration. I am a member of an FS retiree group attempting to promote good management of the national forests and also support the good work that the FS is trying to do. It is very frustrating to run into, “We can’t talk about it.” when trying to gather accurate information about issues. Yes, we can sometimes, because of personal relationships, get the rest of the story off the record, but it is off limited value becuae it was given in confidence. An old time adage, “What a hell of a way to run a railroad.” applies.