Contributors Page Update

I just updated the contributors page, sadly removing some former contributors (seems like there should be a ceremony for that) and adding Guy Knudsen.  Many of you comment enough to be “Contributors” and it seems useful  have a place for folks to learn about you.  If you feel like it, please send me your info.. click on the tab to see the format. terraveritas at

1 thought on “Contributors Page Update”

  1. Sharon: I agree regarding some kind of commemorative post of highlights, or something like that, for regular posters who contributed to the creation and success of this blog, but who are no longer with us . . . (at least in an active posting and/or commenting capacity). How about a list on the Contributor’s Page at least, something like “former editors” or “past participants,” or something like that?

    Good to see Guy included! How about Jon, Gil, David, or greg? Maybe even Dave Skinner after a few more months? It would be good to keep the list growing and organic in my opinion, and continue to recognize past contributions at the same time. Also to keep a balance (or at least opposing poles) among perspectives, as you have consistently been able to accomplish.


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