Montana (The State) Weighs In on Tenmile Project

I could not find a photo of the project but it's in the same watershed and I think it has a flume...if someone sends me a real photo of the project I will substitute.
I could not find a photo of the project but it’s in the same watershed and I think it has a flume…if someone sends me a real photo of the project I will substitute.
Yesterday I noted that elected officials and governments might, and in some cases, have, questioned the judgments of NGOs on local projects and attempt to influence these decisions in various ways. Here is the State of Montana attempting to file an amicus brief with the court about a project.

Here is the news story…
THANK YOU for linking to the legal documents, Helena Independent Record!!!

Now if you read the brief, there is this section.. hopefully Guy can explain if this is true and his rationale.(I certainly don’t believe everything I read in legal briefs, in my experience they can be full of hot air, so let’s find out directly from Guy).

Pages from Motion-Brief-8-6-14

3 thoughts on “Montana (The State) Weighs In on Tenmile Project”

  1. Good Lord, Guy is the lawyer in opposition to this project, on behalf of the Gang of Four?

    Wow. Wonders never cease.

  2. “I certainly don’t believe everything I read in legal briefs” – this is always a prudent approach.

    But I unfortunately can’t/shouldn’t comment, my apologies, -GK

  3. No injunction in Chessman Reservoir project:

    Judge Dana Christensen in Missoula issued the ruling on Wednesday denying the Native Ecosystems Council and Montana Ecosystem Defense Council’s preliminary injunction pending the results of a lawsuit challenging the project. The councils sued the U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the U.S. Department of Agriculture over the decision to log 300 acres and build fuel breaks on 158 acres near Chessman Reservoir and the Red Mountain Flume south of Helena. Federal, state and Helena city officials have said the project is necessary to protect the water supply from Ten Mile Creek, which services 30,000 residents of Helena.

    In the denial, Christensen said the councils are unlikely to succeed on the merits of their case


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