Photo Tech

While it seems there is currently a lull in forest controversy, I’ve been trying to stay busy in scanning old slides and manipulating them with a new HDR (High Dynamic Range) Photo program. The best feature, for me, is the ability to bring out details in the shadow areas. It seems to be very useful for fixing underexposed pictures. It also has some interesting “surreal” effects you can tweak to your heart’s content. I’m also readying myself for an upcoming art show, in San Jose.



3 thoughts on “Photo Tech”

  1. Very awesome effect Larry! This is a winner. I can hear the snow crunching under my boots…or the snow plopping down from the trees.

    • This spot is just 200 feet away from home. After a morning storm barged through, a patch of fog formed as the afternoon sun was coming out. I looked out the window and saw the sunbeams, then grabbed my camera and took a few shots. I soon noticed that the fog was moving and I had to run back inside to put my Sorels on. I took about 200 shots, because the light was so good. This HDR program is really good at bringing out the shadow details. After using it for about a week now, I think it will be a good tool in my toolbox. With a coupon code, I can buy it for about $70.


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