Trout Unlimited’s Chris Wood: “Good things are happening on our national forests”

Op-ed from the Idaho Stateman by Chris Wood, president and CEO of Trout Unlimited.

“Some members of Congress glee in blaming the Forest Service for declines in timber cutting, and the proliferation of wildfires in the West. Outside the glare of Washington, D.C., however, good things are happening on our national forests — starting in Idaho.”

1 thought on “Trout Unlimited’s Chris Wood: “Good things are happening on our national forests””

  1. Nice op-ed. As a Roadless geek, I’d have to quibble with Idaho being the “strongest” Roadless.. like Colorado there are different zones with different things not allowed. You could compare them in many ways. I used to do that when we were working on Colorado, to make the case to key interest groups that Colorado was just as “protective.”

    Also of course, this was mostly about TU but I think it’s hard to talk about Idaho’s successes without mentioning their extraordinary efforts with Good Neighbor Authority.


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